He would have become another one of Dooku’s Dark Jedi trainees, and then that would have been about it. Star Wars The Clone Wars Discussion: Why was General Pong Krell sent to lead the clones on Umbara? He should give ally clones some kind of advantage against opponent clones, since he hates clones. This would help explain why he appears to be such an idiot at leading the Republic forces; he seems to pick whatever plan gets the most clones killed. Mythology Gag: He seems to be based on the "Jedi Brute", a type of mook from the Revenge of the Sith video game adaptation who also wields double-bladed lightsabers. But he had a legitimate reason to turn to the Dark Side, and that was because he had a vision of Order 66. In this case, Pong Krell is a Besalisk, one of whom, Dex, was previously shown in Attack of the Clones as a friend of Obi-Wan who was friendly, boisterous, and not out to kill anyone. Did anyone else notice that in The General, the closing scene highlighted the yellowness of General Krell's eye?It is my theory that he could be a Dark Jedi with some Separatist motives. Maybe increases his protection at the expense of ally clones protection, and have chance to expose clones with his basic attack. If Pong Krell had survived, I don’t know that much would have happened. Informed Ability: Much talk is made about how General Pong Krell's tactics are very effective, but every command he issues throughout the Umbara arc leads to defeat that his clone troopers need to reverse by disobeying his orders. I think it was part of Palpatine's plan to keep the war stalemating, while also testing Pong Krell … Thankfully, Captain Rex and the other Clones discovered the truth about Krell and were able to subdue and ultimately execute him. To make this even worse, Krell thought poorly of the Clones because they were were created rather than born and this made him think of them as mentally inferior. r/pongkrellhate: Pong Krell killed our fellow clones, our brothers this subreddit it where we fight back against this scum It seems Clone Commanders (Cody, Gree, etc) all received personal orders from Sidious so maybe he pulled some strings on getting Appo promoted for this reason. Pong Krell, a Besalisk Jedi Master. Yes, he was ruthless and couldn't care less about the clones under his command. It turns out he was deliberately sabotaging the Republic advance prior to his planned defection to the … Even the opening narrations of the previous episodes describe him as reckless. Obviously this is all just a fan theory. With the return of 'Star Wars: The Clone Wars' just a day away, a new fan theory explains how Emperor Palpatine manage to ensure his greatest plan went off without a hitch. Explore the Star Wars: The Clone Wars episode "Carnage of Krell" with an episode guide featuring galleries, behind the scenes videos, and character bios.