So assume that when he opens his eyes and count from there. Feed every three hours the bunnies with eyes that are still shut, and feed a lot less than the charts typically recommend. Do not touch the rabbit and keep pets and children away. Wild rabbits are usually very nervous due to their innate instinctual fear of humans and do not adapt or handle stress well. Wild rabbits are rather uniform in body proportions and stance. This method only works until about 3 months of age. The nest is nearby and the baby will be able to find it. Well-fed wild baby rabbits usually sleep all day. Look for a belly that is slightly round and slightly firm, but not hard or taut. Leave Wild Rabbits page and return to Rabbitmatters home page Wild rabbits should be released as soon as they are eating hay and greens and are approximately 5 inches in body length (cottontails). Also, check the coloring. If the wild baby rabbit is crying most of the day, this is usually a sign that it's abandoned. Meaning, ignore formulaic approaches to feeding wild rabbits. Their size can range from 8 inches (20cm) to 20 inches (50cm) in length and .9 lbs (.4 kg) to more than 4.4 lbs (2 kg) in weight. If the wild baby rabbit is crying most of the day, this is usually a sign that it's abandoned. The fur is long and soft with shades of brown, gray/grey and buff. Only a post mortum reveals the age by weighing the eye lense. If the rabbit is as big as a tennis ball (or fully fills your hand), then it is able to survive in the wild. If the baby rabbit looks pink and plump, his mom is probably around and nursing baby rabbits. That is the age that the mother would leave it to fend for itself. They belong in the wild, and it is not a good idea to remove them from their natural home. If you find a baby rabbit wandering around, it is possible that the baby has left the nest to explore and can find her way back. Found a wild baby rabbit, when to release him back? If you find a wild rabbit, please leave it alone and do not try to take it home as a pet. Before deciding to care for wild baby rabbits it is important that you are positive the rabbits are orphaned. This advise is based on personal experience and a small amount of research. Mother cottontails feed their babies only once or twice a day, Spring and summer are the main reproductive periods, but breeding can start in January. They open their eyes at 9 - 10 days. There is in fact, no infallible mathematical formula to calculate the human age of a rabbit because its growth and physiological changes during its life are very different from what's seen in humans.. Baby Emergency Care Instructions The smallest is the pygmy rabbit (Brachylagus idahoensis), at only 20 centimetres in length and 0.4 kilograms in weight, while the largest rabbits grow to 50 centimetres and more than 2 kilograms. It is impossible to accurately determine a rabbit's age. The presence or absence of a blaze does not indicate the bunny's age or need for care.