Here are 9 darn impressive health benefits you can gain by swapping out your grocery store meat for wild game. Protein Almost across the board, Wild Game meat is higher in protein content than domesticated meats, and the calories per serving stay relatively close between Tags: meat, protein, nutrition, diet, calorie, fat, ratio, game meat, health, weight loss, muscle building, training, food, comparison, table, chart, compare When they eat a natural wild diet, their meat can taste like pork. For maximum tenderness, most game meat should be cooked slowly and not overdone. And farm animals, especially as reared these days, are not the same as game animals. These meats and products that contain them are widely available throughout the country and are favorites of many families. Here are some wild game cooking mistakes you can avoid. Once exclusive to hunters, wild game meats are now a rising star in the culinary industry. When is it beneficial to age game meat? But how does wild game meat compare to store bought meat? The Ultimate Red Meat: Venison vs Beef. cause the same health problems typically associated with red meat consumption or are its health benefits more akin to eating fish or chicken? (See the Wild vs. Cultivated Fruit Table available on this site for a detailed comparison.) don't know about donmestic, but wild taste like roastbeef. In general, wild game meat is less tender than meat from domestic animals because the wild animals get more exercise and have less fat. By Alex Robinson. December 10, 1997. The biggest difference between beef and venison is the way they are raised. Field and C. Colin Kaltenback. But is eating wild venison truly better than eating beef? May 1, 2013. Game meat is typically taken from a wild animal that has been shot with a gun or bow. Wild game is leaner than farmed meats. __ A recent survey commissioned by the National Shooting Sports Foundation found that 67 percent of respondents have eaten non-farmed wild game meat or fish within the last year. It can be cooked with moist heat by braising or with dry heat by roasting. The opossum's bad reputation for flavor comes from animals that rely on eating garbage thanks to their proximity to civilization. Marcus Schneck | Wild meat is acquired through hunting, trapping or fishing. "The wild turkey's flavor is one that can described as like domestic, only more so," Angus Cameron and Judith Jones wrote in The L.L. UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. -- With the spoils of buck season -- venison steaks and deer bologna -- now in the refrigerator-freezer, health-conscious hunters and their families may want to know how wild game compares to domesticated meat in terms of fat and cholesterol. Wild Game and Domestic Meat Nutrition By: Cailyn Schroeder As hunters we all like to think that eating wild game is better for us, but is that really the case? As hunters, we like to brag about the qualities of wild venison. Does wild game meat (deer, elk, antelope, etc.) Fresh meat refers to meat that has not undergone any preserving process other than chilling, freezing or quick-freezing, including meat that is vacuum-wrapped or wrapped in a controlled atmosphere.The definitions of "meat" and "fresh meat" are laid down in Annex I of Regulation (EC) No 853/2004.. Fresh meat of domestic and wild ungulates includes fresh meat of for example: When people talk about eating meat, the images that typically come to mind are beef, turkey, chicken, pork or lamb. We conducted an objective (and partially subjective) investigation to find out. Hunters must be absolutely certain of their target before shooting and should make every effort to get the animal down as quickly and painlessly as possible. Their meat is similar to that of a domestic hog but leaner.