Generally, no. I have personally found possums killing chickens in our chicken coop..Just killed 2 of the things last night. If you don’t, it will keep coming back for more. To prevent opossums from killing your chickens, it’s best to have a secure coop with no entry points. This Possum was caught in the act! When a possums does get the eggs or kills a chicken the best thing to do is kill it. I’ve had possums get into my coop under a door that had an extra wide gap, so they can get through narrow spaces. the opossum will eat eggs and consume what it can on a bird in the area of the kill. ( so if the birds are gone it was not a possum). Possums and raccoons and skunks are the only animals that I have actually caught in the chicken coop killing hens. wow all you people that actually get close enough to kill these possums… you are freakin brave. Possums Are Rather Lazy – Will Go For Eggs And Feed First. For the critter that could of done this there are several that might have did this such as the Opossum they rather take the peeps they are easy to get and carry away but if real hungry they could get an adult not sure they would take on ducks . Place the trap for at least 5 to 6 miles away from your property and open the cage when the possum get caught. Between raccoons and possums its a miracle I have surviving hens some winters. Thumbs up. On the up side possums are easier to cull down than coons. You don't need to kill opossums. If it's legal in your state, it's easier to trap them in live cage traps and relocate them. But use a.22 at minimum they can withstand several hunting pellets unless it’s a head shot. Our rabbit was skeptical of this creature at first. Possums carry their offspring in their pouch for 11 weeks, where the passel (the term for a possum litter) nurses almost continuously. I suspect they see and hear the possum outside their pen, and they now that those are predators! Opossums are omnivores and survive by eating a variety of foods. They eat dead animals and trash and bugs your duck will be fine, plus possums can't see very well, and the duck is faster than the possum. Because many ticks try to feed on opossums and few of them survive the experience. With remedies such as these, you can ward off all kinds of pests, so we’d recommend you don’t think on the lines of how to kill a possum. Two nights ago, around 3 AM I heard a commotion in the chicken coop. the opossum will eat eggs and consume what it can on a bird in the area of the kill. Thumbs down. The possum would come up at night to eat our rabbits apples and rabbit food. Homesteading Isn’t All Fun & Games If you’ve been following along on my homesteading and self sufficiency journey, you already know that I kill chickens, ducks, and turkeys for our table. Loading... Unsubscribe from Justin Rhodes? they terrify the hell out of me. For possum problems in the garden, you can put up a simple chicken-wire barricade around the perimeter of your garden and yard. I'm not saying she went about this the right way, but as someone who has tried and failed to kill an opossum, you realize it's pretty freaking hard to do humanely. Possums usually don't kill to eat. Humane traps are the best way to ensure both. But the opossum was much more scared of the rabbit. See a possum kill a possum is my policy. A popular meme asserted opossums kill most deer ticks they encounter and thus inhibit the spread of Lyme disease to humans. If you are the homeowner or tenant, you can buy a live-trap and trap a raccoon, squirrel or opossum on your property without a permit. 【Read more about Possum】 Besides, You Can Kill Them. To prevent opossums from killing your chickens, it’s best to have a secure coop with no entry points. Signs of Possum attack: feathers and footprints, obvious struggle, wounded chicken but surviving, missing or cracked eggs. i also have skunks and raccoons that come in my yard. Report Abuse. You can also use the chicken-wire to seal up any holes where the possums are entering your home. i think they are cute but not when they are two feet away from me just looking at me. 9. It isn’t a pretty sight and I don’t enjoy doing it. Opossums are extraordinarily good groomers it turns out — we never would have thought that ahead of time — but they kill the vast majority — more than 95% percent of the ticks that try to feed on them. 2. However, I feel much better about eating the poultry I raise and butcher humanely than I do about buying meat from the grocery store. Here in Australia, possums can be a problem too, but we can't hold it against them if they interfere with our way of life - they have to get on as best they can, and they are opportunists just like us! I’ve had possums get into my coop under a door that had an extra wide gap, so they can get through narrow spaces. They will kill more than one chicken, but opossums usually only kill for the food they need that day. 0. True possums - the marsupials found in many parts of Australia - do not attack ducks. Add a comment. The ducks have gotten pretty flighty recently. This will easily prevent any possum nest from occurring in your garden, compost bin, attic, basement and in your yard. Frequently Asked Questions and Answers to Nuisance Wildlife A raccoon (or squirrel or opossum) is in my attic, what can I do? True possums - the marsupials found in many parts of Australia - do not attack ducks.