2) Many follow movie stars, rock stars, and sports stars. The beginning of the gospel : This refers to Paul’s pioneering missionary efforts in Europe, recorded in Acts 16 and following. The story immediately follows the exorcism at Gerasa.Jairus (Greek: Ἰάειρος, Iaeiros, from the Hebrew name Yair), a patron or ruler of a Galilee synagogue, had asked Jesus to heal his 12-year-old daughter.As they were traveling to Jairus' house, a sick woman in the crowd touched Jesus' cloak and was healed of her sickness. In this wonderful second chapter, the Apostle Paul … First, Epaphroditus name means “charming, lovely, or fascinating” and has at the root of his name Aphrodite, the Greek goddess of love and beauty. It seems, his illness was caused by the work of God. A commentary on the Aitia ("causes") by Callimachus of Cyrene. 25 Meanwhile, I thought I should send Epaphroditus back to you. There is nobody else here with me like him. Epaphroditus appears to have been a tremendous help to Paul, and somehow, possibly as a result of caring for Paul (Philippians 2:30), Epaphroditus gets sick and nearly dies. 2:21 Others are busy with their own concerns, not the Lord’s. Brent Kercheville. Also, he was sent by the Church as a person dedicated to be with him (i.e. Suffering for God is the highest privilege which can be accorded His creatures. Epaphroditus was about to go back to Philippi, Paul took the opportunity to send his warm ex-pression of gratitude, along with his fervent ad-monition to steadfastness and humility. I have no one quite like Timothy. The only other reference to Epaphroditus in the Bible is later in Philippians where Paul points out that Epaphroditus had delivered a gift from the Philippians when he came. Epaphroditus played a key role in biblical history, even if his name is not immediately recognizable. The style, manner of thought, and doctrine, accord with Paul's. 20 Timothy really loves you, as I do. 21 For everyone looks out for their own interests, not those of Jesus Christ. Jesus has been crucified (by the Romans at the instigation of the chief priests and (27) Epaphroditus’ sickness and his recovery. The IVP New Testament Commentary Series – God's Mercy on Epaphroditus (2:27) ... , Paul goes on to bear witness to the severe nature of the illness and then to the wideness of God's mercy—both to Epaphroditus and to himself. A newspaper reporter in San Bernardino, California arranged for a man to lie in the gutter on a busy street. He considers them as a "fragrant offering" to the Lord (Philippians 4:18). We read that Christians are to in humility count others more significant than themselves (2:3). According to Greek mythology she was born in the sea and washed up onto the shore of the island of Cyprus on a sea shell. Not only did He save the former Pharisee, but He also gave Paul extra gifts to help the Apostle bear his sorrows. A grammatical Commentary on Homer, fragments of which survive. Epaphroditus was a member of the church in Philippi. Most of all, however, he wrote to them because he had a deep care and affection for them. The Philippians had sent him to Paul, in order to minister to Paul’s needs while in prison, to give him a financial gift, and also to bring news about the church to him. The apostle Paul was in Rome, awaiting his trial before Caesar, but was concerned about the spiritual welfare of the church in Philippi (Philippians 2:19). Others say his name means "belonging to” or “favored by Aphrodite” and later came to mean “ loving” or “ lovely.” He is a true brother, co-worker, and fellow soldier. The return of Epaphroditus would give them peace of mind that their valued brother was in good condition. He honors Epaphroditus by his commendation and tells the church to “hold men like him in high regard” (2:29). 2.25-30). St. He is loyal, and genuinely concerned for you. The Man with a Kind Heart. Php 2:25-30 {R.V.}. Epaphroditus is one of the less known of Paul’s friends. All our information about him is contained in this context, and in a brief reference in Chapter 4: His was a singular fate--to cross Paul’s path, and for one short period of his life to be known to all the world, and for all the rest before and after to be utterly unknown. The beginning of the gospel : This refers to Paul’s pioneering missionary efforts in Europe, recorded in Acts 16 and following. He also wanted to tell themthat Epaphroditus had recovered from his dangerous illness. Paul sent Epaphroditus back to the church with this letter ( Php. 23 Him therefore I hope to send presently, so soone as I shall see how it wil goe with me. And he was your messenger to help me in my need. "The three words are arranged in an ascending scale: common sympathy, common work, common danger and toil and suffering" (Lightfoot, l. c.). Epaphroditus [Ēpăphro dī'tus]— lovely, handsome, charming. The final section of this chapter provides a brief conclusion (Philippians 4:21–23). Epaphroditus. Epaphroditus is the one who delivered the original manuscript of Philippians to its original recipients, the church in Philippi. I hope that the Lord Jesus will let me do that. ). Biblical Commentary (Bible study) Acts 1:15-7, 21-26 EXEGESIS: LUKE-ACTS. 11:4). Scan Aesthetic Commentary p.135-141 V. Discussion Questions a. Epaphroditus was willing to pay a visit to the Philippians, that he might be comforted with those who had sorrowed for him when he was sick: "That when you see him again you may rejoice (v. 28), that you may yourselves see how well he has recovered, and what reason you have for the thankfulness and joy upon his account." "The three words are arranged in an ascending scale: common sympathy, common work, common danger and toil and suffering" (Lightfoot, l.c. Epaphrodus was another example of a Christ-Centered life. They both knew Christ so God was their Father and they were brothers in the Lord. Paul calls Epaphroditus my brother, fellow worker, fellow soldier and to the Philippians he says he is your messenger and minister to my need. 4. 16 For even in Thessalonica ye sent once and again unto my necessity. Epaphroditus, whom they had sent with a gift for Paul and to minister to his needs in prison, had recovered from a serious illness and was about to return to Philippi. In this wonderful second chapter, the Apostle Paul … Also, and maybe even more importantly, this epistle was an opportunity for Paul to inform his be-loved brethren just how his appeal was proceed-ing. He is a true brother, co-worker, and fellow soldier. Epaphroditus: “Hold people like him in high regard” Epaphroditus was a member of the Philippian church. A brother-one of the Christian family; a thorough convert to God, without which he could not have been a preacher of the Gospel. Alan Carr on Anatomy of a Lovely Christian - (See sermon notes on Part 1 - Php 2:25-27) . And he was your messenger to help me in my need. How fully and fittingly Paul describes the commendable character of this kindly man who went as Paul’s representative to the Philippian Church! Paul Commends Epaphroditus. As Calvin points out, the devil is intent on undermining the authority of godly pastors, and so the church must hold such men in high regard (Calvin’s Commentaries [Baker], “Philippians,” p. 84). 2:30). THE CONTEXT Judas has plotted against Jesus with the chief priests and the scribes (Luke 22:1-6) and has betrayed Jesus (Luke 22:47-53). Bible Commentary / Produced by TOW Project In fact, Philippians gives us three examples—Paul, Epaphroditus, and Timothy—to show us how all Christians are meant to follow Christ’s model. Epaphroditus is one of the less known of Paul’s friends. Philippians 2:17-30, Joyful Sacrifice. He knew that these saints at Philippi loved him. Frank Thielman — Philippians (NIV Application Commentary, 1995). It is impossible to be sure whether the Philippian Christians thought Epaphroditus had purposefully failed in his mission. What we do know for sure is that Epaphroditus’ illness was so severe that he almost died (v. 27). But, Paul explains, “God had mercy” on Epaphroditus. So does Paul. Part of the letter is to assure the Philippians that Epaphroditus did arrive and fulfill his duty, almost dying in the process (2:30). Purpose of the Letter After Tychicus and Onesimus had departed from Rome carrying the epistles to Ephesians, Colossians, and Philemon, Paul was cheered by the arrival of Epaphroditus with the Philippian contribution. Also, and maybe even more importantly, this epistle was an opportunity for Paul to inform his beloved brethren just how his appeal was proceeding. Timothy and Epaphroditus Philippians 2. The apostle Paul has presented to these Christians in Philippi that living a life in a manner worthy of the gospel is a humble, self-sacrificing life. Epaphroditus (1891) is mentioned only in the present epistle and according to Vincent is derived from Aphrodite (Venus), and means charming and how well he lived up to his name. d. Because you heard that he was sick: Epaphroditus was concerned because the Philippians learned of his sickness and worried about him. 2:19 Now I hope in the Lord Jesus to send Timothy to you quickly, so that I too may be encouraged by hearing news about you. In his letter thanking the Philippians, Paul makes a point of telling the church that Epaphroditus recovered (Philippians 2:27), and that he would return to them soon. Epaphroditus was an esteemed member of the Philippian church; that he was an officer is not certain. a. Conclusion Paul had a number of reasons for writing. Paul calls him "my brother and fellow-worker and fellow-soldier." Philippians 4:1-7: The Peace of God – a Life Commentary discusses how to find the Peace of God from Philippians 4:1-7. As Epaphroditus was about to go back to Philippi, Paul took the opportunity to send his warm expression of gratitude, along with his fervent admonition to steadfastness and humility. Read Philippians 2:19-30. Receive him with Joy and Honor (v. 29) Paul exhorts the Philippians to receive Epaphroditus with “Joy and honor.” In no way is Epaphroditus serving the Lord for honor or position. 2:23 So I hope to send him as soon as I know more about my situation, 2:24 though I am confident in the Lord th… Model Spiritual Servants, Part 3: Epaphroditus. Epaphroditus was about to go back to Philippi, Paul took the opportunity to send his warm ex-pression of gratitude, along with his fervent ad-monition to steadfastness and humility. But Epaphroditus of the Philippian church is probably distinct from Epaphras of the Colossian church. Purpose of the Letter 4:18 ). a. 19 I want to send Timothy to come to you soon. This letter was not written for one single purpose. Learn more about Epaphroditus from the Easton’s Bible Dictionary. Let's open our Bibles for our time in God's Word this morning again to Philippians chapter 2. Co-workers Example 2:19-30 Epaphroditus’ Example, Phil. 15 Now ye Philippians know also, that in the beginning of the gospel, when I departed from Macedonia, no church communicated with me as concerning giving and receiving, but ye only. Paul had his splinter in the flesh and his persecutions. 2:25; 4:18).Epaphras is a shortened form of this common name. “Join in imitating me, and observe those who live according to the … Book of Philippians Overview - Insight for Living Ministries The Philippians, who were much endeared to St. Paul (i, 3, 7; iv, 1) had already on former occasions and under various circumstances sent him pecuniary aid, and now on learning of his imprisonment at Rome (Acts 27-28) they sent to him Epaphroditus, one of their number, to bear 2:25 ). And he was your messenger to help me in my need. Philippians 2:17-30, Joyful Sacrifice. Paul built up Epaphroditus in the eyes of his readers (2:25-30), which suggests that they may not have appreciated him adequately for some reason. Model Spiritual Servants, Part 3: Epaphroditus. He was probably won to Christ by other members of the church there. TIMOTHY AND EPAPHRODITUS – Philippians 2:19-30. 20 I have no one else like him, who will show genuine concern for your welfare. Paul was sending Epaphroditus back to the Philippians, but he wanted to make sure that he would be well received by his church family. Paul did not want the Philippians to think that Epaphroditus had failed in his ministry; so Paul described him in generous, glowing terms: Epaphroditus is Paul’s “brother” and “fellow worker” and “fellow soldier”. 9 It is possible that the Philippians wanted a visit from Paul (after his release) or Timothy (now). Epaphroditus (4:18). c. But he was a brother. They speak to us through the testimony of their lives as written in Scripture. Timothy and Epaphroditus (2:19-30) For an example of self-denying humility and service, Paul refers them to Timothy. Since being in Rome Epaphroditus had suffered an illness where he almost died. Biblical Commentary (Bible study) Acts 1:15-7, 21-26 EXEGESIS: LUKE-ACTS. A newspaper reporter in San Bernardino, California arranged for a man to lie in the gutter on a busy street. Philippians 2:1-2. All our information about him is contained in this context, and in a brief reference in Chapter 4: His was a singular fate--to cross Paul’s path, and for one short period of his life to be known to all the world, and for all … Having received of Epaphroditus - see the notes at Philippians 2:25. Paul mentions him in words of esteem and affection. But God had mercy on him, and not on him only but also on me, to spare me sorrow upon sorrow. The result is judicious and balanced insight into the meanings of the text in the framework of biblical theology. Philippians : An Expositional Commentary. Take medicine, for example. While visiting Paul, Epaphroditus became ill and had to stay longer than expected.
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