Calculate the change in height and potential energy. Average velocity for constant acceleration. & Science Inquiry WU: Intro to Earth Science Video Link: "Big Idea - Why Earth Science?" For any particular bounce, if the ball’s height is plotted as a function of time, the resulting graph has a parabolic shape. You worry me because you let the top of the set square align with the center of the ball, whilst the h and d in the figure are measured with respect to the underside of the ball. Investigating how high a ping pong ball will bounce depending on what height the ball was dropped from. Each line of the table determines one point of the graph. 4. StripeM-Outer. hstop = 0.01; % Height at which if the peak height after a bounce is less than this, stop the simulation. BALL DROP BALL DROP 2 WARM UP As a demonstration, drop a ball onto a table where all of your students can see it. The surface dropped on must always be the same. The energy loss can be expressed in terms of the coefficient of restitution,e, defined in the case of a rigid surface by e5v2 /v15Ah2 /h1, where v1 is the incident speed of the ball and v2 is the rebound speed. After it hits the floor, it reaches a height of 7.5 = 10. feet; after it his the floor for the second time, it reaches a height of 5.625 = 7.5. What Does The Slope Of The Graph Represent? Watching the live stream of the Geldingadalir eruption and used this to calculate the approximate height of lava expulsions [9] 2021/04/30 00:19 Male / 60 years old level or over / A retired person / Useful / Purpose of use To estimate height of lava fountains in erupting volcanoes 5. The formula that we use is s=ut+1/2at^2. Results for drop height vs bounce height in case you don't have the equipment BOUNCE HEIGHT) Data Graph y=.756x+0.560 slope = .756 Y intercept = 0.560 linear regression = 0.99 Which is a very strong relationship. Measure the maximum height of the first bounce. Velocity reduces this much after a bounce. Can you use the same kmd of … 3,625. Drop it again, and let it bounce twice. Materials: ping u0011pong ball, rubber ball, meter stick. 740 - Graphing WS: Graphing Analysis Packet WU: Intro to Graphs Activity: Population More is Less WU: Reading a Graph Lab: Drop Height vs. Test the predictions and modified the graph. It was decided that the drop heights would be carried out over the range of 1 meter and in intervals of 10cm, this would give us 10 data points to work with, which was deemed to be acceptable to achieve an accurate graph and coe cient value. Deriving displacement as a function of time, acceleration, and initial velocity. Is it linear over a certain range of drop heights and not over others? Graph 1 shows the linear growth with its equation and r2 value. The bounce height was divided by the drop height to find the ratio, and then that was subtracted by 1, since it was percent lost. determined based on the data that as the height decreased, the range also decreased. Compute the slope of the best fit line. Test the predictions and modified the graph. In order to find speed we had to use the average height, that we measured, and put it in the formula. v = √(2gh) Where v = velocity, g = 9.8m/s 2, and h = average height measured. We were testing to see if height affects the bounce. 2. Investigating the relationship between drop height and bounce height when a ball is dropped. Repeat this procedure at least five more times. How high was the ball dropped from if it rebounded 40 cm? Instead we see a rebound of less than 1.5 times the initial drop height, despite what the algebraic results would suggest. This could be due to the small change in the bounce efficiency. Students should have two lines on their graph. Sketch the line of best fit for your ball. 8. h = h0; % Instantaneous height. Minimizing errors ed to drop the ball and the resulting standard deviation be wo different methods that you used to drop the ball and the for each one Method 1. For now, the graph should just show the axes and points corresponding to your data values. 5. The Calculations. Are The Assumptions Valid Explain. In the experiment, "Bounce Height vs. Drop Height", we determined the bounce coefficients of a tennis ball, ping pong ball, and a golf ball. 1. I want to draw the trajectory of a flying ball and find where it will fall. Drop height vs Bounce efficiency. Determine the impact velocity and the upward bounce velocity. 1. It hits the ground and bounces up vertically to a height d/2 . Draw abes tfi linefor th dat points. Chose two points on each line and find the slope and equation of the best-fit line for each ball. Note: Thi si NOT drawn o connec each point. Graph bounce height vs. drop height for each ball and draw the best-fit line for each ball. Graphing bounce height vs. drop height gave them a nice linear graph. Drop the ball from the line between cinder blocks/bricks to make the measurements more accurate. The standard deviation also decreased as the height decreased. Using the percentages of potential energy lost that I discovered, I was able to graph my data, which can be seen below. Created by Sal Khan. For Both Ball's. After the bounce the rebound height should be considerably greater than the initial drop height… A ball is dropped vertically from a height d above the ground. When the ball is held at its highest point, it has potential energy, specifically gravitational potential energy. 12. a. e = -1E-05T. Think about the bouncing as … Scale your axes carefully, and apply your scale consistently. Therefore the trend is only valid for the range Oto 1. Drop plate Newsprint Bounce plate Carbon paper Range vs Height II. Observe and record the bounce height for a ball dropped from a fixed height. 5. curved. Acceleration of aircraft carrier take-off. Which ball … There will be two graphs for this set of data, one for the Tennis Ball and one for the Golf Ball. Since you could only estimate the height of each apex to the nearest 0.05 meters, you should express the value for your experimental “g” to only two decimal places. Graph Drop Height Vs Bounce Height. For multiple bounces, it's just like dropping the ball again from a reduced height. Rebound Ratios Many games depend on how a ball bounces. % Preallocate arrays for time and height. Average bounce height = (0.175m + 0.180m + 0.205m) / 3 = 0.187m Bounce efficiency = Bounce height / drop height x 100% = 0.187m / 0.500m x 100% = 37.3% Note that the table and graphs are labelled (table 1, graph 1) this is important for clarity when you refer to the results found during the discussion section. Height of Drop VS Bounce Another experiment we tested was the Height of Drop VS Bounce lab. But at 9.0 psi, the height … Draw a position vs. time graph that shows the height of the ball (it should look like a wave). steepness of a line on a graph tells you have fast one variable changes in relation to the other variable in the graph--the rate of change ... related to object's height calculate by weight x height. Observe and record the bounce height for a ball dropped from a fixed height. Repeat the procedure for 40 cm and 60 cm. • Ball temperature was altered by immersion in a cold/hot water bath. When an object has Gravitational Potential Energy due to its raised position, it will gain Kinetic Energy if it falls. This graph indicates that as the psi increases, the height in meters rises slightly, but not as significantly as predicted. Procedure: Hold a ball at a distance of one meter from the surface of the table (diagram I). For each ball, plot the drop heights on the x-axis and the average rebound height to the drop height ratio on the y-axis. For this experiment, we used a bouncy ball, and tested how high it would bounce after being dropped from a certain height. Then, using the bounce factor of the ball, you can predict the height of the ball after any number of bounces. Use an entire page; make your graph very large to maximize the accuracy of the scale. It should bounce to a height approximately even with your hips. But at 9.0 psi, the height … Bounce Height (Blks) = Points (Linear Equation) Best Fit Line Model: Analysis of the Best Fit Equation Viewed 32 times 2 $\begingroup$ Hi i am analysing the graph between the Bounce efficiency vs Drop height. That's the idea. They should then draw a line of best fit through the three points. We used a meter stick to judge how high the ball would be at for its initial drop. Predict, a bounce height for various drop height. In this formula s=displacement, u=initial velocity, a=acceleration and t=time. The International Table Tennis Federation specifies that the ball shall bounce up 24–26 cm when dropped from a height of 30.5 cm on to a standard steel block thereby having a COR of 0.887 to 0.923. Young's modulus is too complicated in this experiment. Average the recorded bounce heights from each 50 cm trial together to find the average bounce height for the rubber ball. Graph 1 shows the linear growth with its equation and r2 value. The efficiency consistently declines as the drop height increases, as can be seen from the graph above, which shows negative slope for the trend line. Bounce Height H: Packet Slip - Unit: 1a Unit 1b: Earth Science Intro. According to the USTA regulations ball is tested for bounce by dropping it from a height of 100 inches (2.54 m) onto ; a bounce between 53 and 58 inches (1.3462 - 1.4732 m) is acceptable One problem; the linear relation between drop height and rebound height doesn't work if the height … average heights on a graph of average bounce height vs. drop height. Another simple test is to drop the ball from shoulder height. h represents the starting height (sometimes called the zeroeth bounce! Drop the golf ball. It consists of a base which is fixed. Compare your graph for the height of successive bounces in problem A-29 to the graph for drop height versus bounce heioht that you investigated in Lesson A. Measure its height. Predictions will vary. Draw a graph of your results (Rebound Height vs. Drop Height). When it hits the ground, the speed decreases to 0 m/s instantly. Drop the golf ball from the same height 5 times, record the rebound height after the ball hits the floor. Construct a Starting height vs. bounce height (H vs h) graph … BOUNCY BALL (DROP HEIGHT VS. Figure 6: Graph showing the y-position of center of mass of the tennis ball. Repeat four times, each time starting at the return height of the previous trial. The model is an exponential function: y = hpx, where y is the rebound height and x the bounce number. A better question in this case is to ask if we drop a feather from a height, we see that the feather settles on the ground quietly. A ball's gravitational potential energy is proportional to its height. 2. According to NBA rules, the pressure inside a basketball must be between 7.5 and 8.5 lbs. Q. Use pen or pencil and graph paper to plot a graph of your data, where falling height is the input (horizontal) value and rebound height is the output. 4. Think about the bouncing as a … Plot a GPE vs Drop Height graph. The pressure of the gas inside the ball ultimately determines how high the tennis ball will bounce. Powered by Create your own unique website with customizable templates. And assembly consists of an aluminum platform (88 kg mass) over which a box (50 kg) is bonded on the platform is going to drop in the fixed base from a height 410 mm under the influence of gravity. In Graph 2, results from the experiment which investigated the effect of drop height (continuous data) on the bounce height (continuous data) of a tennis ball have been plotted as a line graph. When i calculate the uncertainty in the gradient it comes out to be a very large number. Activity: Let's Graph WU: RCQ's pg. Investigation 1 – Ball Bounce. Step 3 0.9 Height 0.6 0.3 0.0 0123456789 Bounce Lesson 1.2 Modeling Growth and Decay 39 Step 1 Scroll through the video to record the initial height and subsequent heights when the ball reaches the top of each bounce. Drop Height (cm) Analysis: 1. Should a graph ofrebound height vs. stalting height be continuous or ... How high will it bounce? This graph indicates that as the psi increases, the height in meters rises slightly, but not as significantly as predicted. = 10. feet, and so on and so on. In conclusion the bounce height does depend on the drop height, and if I dropped a bouncy ball from 93inches it By definition, the AVERAGE speed = Vavg = distance/time With these pairs (Vavg, time) of values U can plot the Vavg vs time graph. Analysis: The data that we collected was only the time of the first and second bounce. 3. Drop height vs Bounce height | scatter chart made by Greywind | plotly. Analyze the pattern of the output of the table, determine the type of function, and write the equation of the function. A—31. Kinematic formulas and projectile motion. Active 2 months ago. Repeat that height two more times. Draw a graph of bounce height vs. drop height. To find the height of the first bounce we need to use suvat. For every meter increase in drop height, the bounce efficiency decreases by 1% in the range of heights tested. 6. 3. The procedure also involved observing how the height from which a ball is dropped affects its bounce. Dependent Variable ? We are going to calculate impact velocity with this formula: v = √2gh (square root) g= gravity. Table 1: Coefficient of restitution of squash balls at varying temperatures ... Graph plotting software has been adapted to show an anomaly and uncertainty bars . Instead we see a rebound of less than 1.5 times the initial drop height, despite what the algebraic results would suggest. 3. height h1 onto a surface and it rebounds to a height h2, then the loss of energy is mg(h12h2). The scientific equation for determining the pressure of gas is “p=rRT,” where “p” is the pressure, “r” is the density, “R” is a constant specific to the gas and “T” is temperature. To explore the bounciness of this ball, I made this plot of the height vs. the bounce number. Which variable goes on each axis of the graph? Average the recorded bounce heights from each 50 cm trial together to find the average bounce height for the rubber ball. You can use this as a guide for your own basketball pressure. In other words, the relationship between height and time for a single bounce of a ball is quadratic. Answers will vary. For each bounce, i. • Video-analysis software was used to calculate drop and bounce height. Repeat the procedure by changing the release height to 75cm and then again to 50 cm. (The points should lie nearly along a straight line. Plot a graph of v return vs v impact (x-axis) then determine the COR. How did your ranking task predictions compare to your actual results? Have a partner drop the rubber ball 5 times from the 75 centimeter mark and record the height in a table. Have a partner drop the rubber ball 5 times from the 75 centimeter mark and record the height in a table. Is the graph linear? Record the drop height and bounce in centimeters in the table below. Give them a few minutes to predict from which height they need to drop it so that it bounces back to 77cm. 4. The equation is 10 = 32t 2 /2. May 14, 2010 14,250. You worry me because you let the top of the set square align with the center of the ball, whilst the h and d in the figure are measured with respect to the underside of the ball. Easy investigation to complete at home! 4. However, it is possible that a more appropriate model is a cubic one, as shown in Graph 2. 3. By: Varun Patel, Ann Marie Riccio, Austin Howard, Julia Nguyen and Lakshya Ramani The Relationship Between Ball Drop Height and Bounce Height Graph Graph Drop Height (Blks) vs. The higher the height at which the ball is dropped from, the higher the ball bounces. The lowest? Figuring out how high a ball gets given how long it spends in the air. 4. In my normal fashion, I wanted to build a model for bouncing based on my data. From the same height and time, one ball is dropped and another is fired horizontally. 2. Measure the height after two bounces. Figure 6: Graph showing the y-position of center of mass of the tennis ball. This phase will involve students in analyzing the scatterplot of bounce height vs. drop height for a golf ball from Phase II, placing a line of best fit on the graph, and using the line to predict how high the golf ball would bounce if dropped from 60 cm. Label your Repeat this for the various starting heights shown in the data table, each time recording the height the ball reaches after the first bounce. The formula that we use is s=ut+1/2at^2. Does the ball ever come to rest, and if so, what total vertical distance will it have traveled? A solution to this problem was to assess drop jump performance by the ratio of jump height to ground contact time to give a single value, RSI, as an indicator of performance [67][68][69]. Average the results of the five trials. We took the average of the bounced height value (h) and put it in the formula along with the initial height (H) of 92 cm. When did the ball have the greatest bounce height? That was outside some of their ranges. 5. Measure the maximum height the tennis ball reaches after the first bounce (h) 3. the ball does not bounce), with a restitution value of 0. You drop a package from a plane flying at constant speed in a straight line. 3 + 0.0008T. Look at it in terms of energy. That's the idea. a. Label the drop height A b. Label the point of the first bounce B c. Label max height after the first bounce C d. Label the point of the second bounce D e. Label the max height after the second bounce E. 2. Calculate the acceleration due to gravity by using the kinematics equation s = v o t + ½at 2 and isolate the second half of the golf ball's bounce. Use your graph to determine the rebound height if the ball was dropped from a height of 120 cm. to the drop height) and the minimum being no elasticity (i.e. Airbus A380 take-off distance. The slope can be used to determine e, and the intercept can be used to determine v0 from which the initial height h0 can be found. One way to make a prediction is to extend the graph and then draw a line that goes through most of the data, extending it to above the 3 m mark. ii. Graph the bounce height vs. drop height data. Since you could only estimate the height of each apex to the nearest 0.05 meters, you should express the value for your experimental “g” to only two decimal places. 3,625. Hello, I had tried to simulate the drop test using non-linear transient response analysis. After the bounce the rebound height should be considerably greater than the initial drop height, but that is … A ball is thrown at angle 45 , from initial height 1,5m ,with speed 4 m/s. Analysis: The data that we collected was only the time of the first and second bounce. Problem-Bouncing tennis ball : A tennis ball is dropped from a height of 100 inches. As seen from the data table and the graph above, at 4.5 psi, it was at 1.281 meters. I have g = 9,81, start height h = 1,5m, start speed v = 4 m/s and angle a = 45. Loading... Stripe Internal Communication Channel. Use the graph to predict the rebound - Height at which the tennis ball bounces Controlled: - Same ball - Height at which the ball is dropped - Amount of force applied - Person dropping the ball. Ask Question Asked 3 months ago. Catch it after one bounce. StripeM-Inner. Planning your experiment The height to which the ball bounces will depend on the initial height and the temperature, so you must decide which of the variables you are going to investigate and how you can ensure that your experiment is a "fair test". Use the same point on the ball (top) or (bottom) when judging both the height of the drop and the height of the bounce. 7. They graphed the height achieved vs. the mass of the dart and came out with an excellent inverse relationship. From 1 meter, drop the ball, then accurately determine and record the height to which it returned. I you can under this which is a lot easier to explain and much mor intuitive. Graph your results by placing the drop height on the horizontal axis and the bounce height on the vertical axis. It is likely that the actual bounce height will be lower than predicted. Draw a graph of bounce height Vs drop height. Young's modulus is too complicated in this experiment. I then graphed the log of time against the log of height and found that the graph of time squared against height was a much better straight line and it went through the origin. Now we are going to calculate to find out the impact force of the drop for all the heights. 2. When everything is setup properly, it should look like the picture below. Continue dropping the golf ball on the floor for 100 cm, 120 cm, 140 cm, and 160 cm. Graph the bounce height vs. drop height data. When inflating the ball, use a small pump and pressure gauge. 4. Repeat steps 7 and 8 for the ping pong ball. If the first height is h, the second will be f*h, the third f*f*h, the fourth f*f*f*h, and so on. Method. Do Calculation On The Graph. Calculate The Impact Velocity Of The Balls From 2.0m Drop Height. An alternative experiment is to investigate how the height of each successive bounce changes. 1. Place the independent variable (the drop height) on the x-axis and place the dependent variable (the bounce height) on the y-axis. So if f is 0.9, the first bounce will be 0.9 times as high, the second 0.81 times as high, the third 0.729 times as high (as the original height), and so on. Look at the graph of her results: ... She drops different balls from the same height and measures the height the balls bounce. 2. On the other hand, when the drop plate was only 5 cm away from the bounce plate, the ball only travelled 10.72 cm on average. Note: This is … Copy the axes on the right onto your separate page. Record all data. Suppose you drop a basketball from a height of 10 feet. Graph 1 shows the average rebounce height on the selected heights from 20-100 cm and fortunately has a best fit line pretty close to the values with small uncertainties, which is favoured. Repeat steps 7 and 8 for the marble. Repeat steps 7 and 8 for the marble. 14,250. Independent Variable? Plot a Bounce Height vs Drop Height graph. 3. Plotting Equation (4) in a graph of log(Tn) vs. n yields a straight line with slope a‹loge and ordinate intercept b‹log(2v0/g). drop height h 0 as well as the height achieved by each bouncy ball after one bounce h 1. Remind students that a best-fit line does not have to pass through all three points, and that it … 2. Predict, a bounce height for various drop height. Prepare a graph of bounce height vs. drop height. The bounce height (h D, but let’s call it b) belongs on the y–axis, and the drop height (h A, but let’s call it d) on the x–axis. Calculate the acceleration due to gravity by using the kinematics equation s = v o t + ½at 2 and isolate the second half of the golf ball's bounce. As seen from the data table and the graph above, at 4.5 psi, it was at 1.281 meters. Discuss the types of energy. When a ball is released from a height, it will accelerate on the way down due to the resultant force (weight) acting downwards. To find the height of the first bounce we need to use suvat. Data Table 1: Average Bounce Height Dro Hei ht (cm) Trial 1 IOOcm 75cm 50cm 25cm Trial 2 Trial 3 Avera e Graph: Construct a line qraph showing the avergage bounce height of your ball. In this formula s=displacement, u=initial velocity, a=acceleration and t=time. Did the balls bounce highest when released from their highest point? U have the drop distances and their times. h and p are two parameters that you need to determine. The data below shows the height of the ball after each bounce, which is called the rebound height. This is why it does not bounce as high each time. Kevinmaltusch's interactive graph and data of "Bounce Height vs. Drop Height" is a scatter chart, showing Tennis Ball, Golf Ball, Ping Pong Ball , Bouncy Ball, Col2 - fit, Col4 - fit, Col6 - fit, Col8 - fit; with Drop Height (cm) in the x-axis and Bounce Height (cm) in the y-axis.. ), or the height before the first bounce. The maximum kinetic energy it can gain is equal to the potential energy it can lose. 2. get the bounce/drop ratio. Analysis: 1. Give them their “target bounce height.” This past year, it made it 77-ish cm. height of the bounce is so small that it is not reasonable to continue). Drop the golf ball on the floor from 80 cm, repeating the rest of the above procedure. To find the time, t, to drop 10 ft from rest, the mass is irrelevant, and so is the height of the subsequent bounce. Do not draw any lines between the points (yet). For a hard linoleum floor with concrete underneath, a leather basketball has … When the drop plate was at its highest at 30 cm above the bounce plate, the average range was 30.35 cm. You will not be able to read the numbers on the ruler but should be able to use the colors to calculate the height. This prevents them from “sneak testing” for the target bounce height. The ‘bounciness’ or ‘bounce factor’ of a ball can be determined by comparing the ball’s rebound height to the original height from which the ball was dropped. It is a line which best shows the relationship involved - in this case a straight line. Drop the ball. Was there a point at which the rebound height reached a maximum? Remember that gravity is always 9.8 m/s² (meters per second squared). Just before the ball touches the ground, the velocity of the ball is the maximum. At this station, students measured the height from which they would drop a racquetball, and the height at which it would subsequently bounce. iii. 2. When the ball is falling towards the table, it has kinetic energy. Repeat steps 7 and 8 for the ping pong ball. The graph you see is rebound height versus bounce number. peakHeight = h0; % Initial drop height in meters. What Assumptions Were Made? Theory. Station 5: Bouncy Ball. Hence my original idea is wrong and a new discovery was made, namely that time squared is proportional the drop height.
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