The only thing you can control is the level of consistency and effort you put into the process on your end. Just wondering. A NEAT Neural Network (Python Implementation) GitHub Repository. However, just because you leave a litter box in the cage doesn’t automatically mean your hedgehog will use it. Many people also enjoy teaching their pet to do tricks, either as a way to show off their own skill at training the pet, or their pet’s intelligence and capabilities. Litter training your hedgehog: As you may have already heard, you can litter train a hedgehog! Important rules for potty training success. How To Potty Train Hedgehog Don't even give him the chance to think going potty in an inappropriate spot is an option. Your hedgehog is a unique and individual being. - Answered by a verified Veterinarian. One of the things that you can do to train a hedgehog to display various behaviors is through action-reward conditioning. The most difficult part of training your hedgehog to use a litter tray is the actual training itself. The litter pan should have a front low enough for the hedgehog to easily climb in and should be large enough for the hedgehog to climb in and turn around. @beaniebaby_the_hedgehog If your hedgehog does thing, try placing the litter tray in this particular corner to help encourage the habit of your hedgehog making potty on its tray. Litter pans are a great accessory to any cage as it is well worth your effort to try and litter train your hedgehog. And if anyone has a pet hedgehog or an experience with one if you could share your opinion that would be great too :) ANSWER: Hedgehogs are actually quite amazing because they can not only be litter trained, but be litter trained very fast! Make sure that your hedgehog can actually climb into it if you choose not to buy a ferret one and that it can also hold Pets are great to have, hold, hug, play with, and love. Hedgehogs are small mammals known for their prickly spines along their backs, sides, and the top of their head. Placing the litter box in the cage is a start though, so place it in an area of the cage that suits the layout best. Hedgehogs are known for their distinctive snouts, round ears, and prickly quills. How To: Litter Box Train Your Hedgehog: Cleaning up hedgie poop is no picnic! Reserve this treat for times when you are handling your hedgehog. Potty Training - Hedgehogs can be trained to use a "potty corner". STOP CHASING or LUNGING at CARS on a Walk! Placing the litter box in the cage is a start though, so place it in an area of the cage that suits the layout best. are all worthwhile. Your litter training success will depend partly on your patience and persistence and partly on their personality. In this article, we will be taking a look at how to get a hedgehog to use his wheel.Running wheels can be an excellent and cheap form of exercise for your hedgehog. Placement and Style. I was considering getting an African Pygmy Hedgehog as a low-fuss pet if I ever went to university or just afterwards. “Your hedgehog may take a while to learn, or use the box occasionally, or never use it,” says Vanderlip. They make great pets, but before you can enjoy everything your pet hedgehog has to offer, you'll need to tame it.