When you get the curve right, darken the lines. They are members of the dolphin family. They may look cute but be warned that these animals are known to be one of the top predators in the ocean! Some tutorials are harder to follow (and reproduce) than others. Also, contrary to the intuitive, a whale is not a Fish but a mammal. Look how simple this is so far, anyone can do it. The shape of the oval will determine the final shape of the whale, so try not to make the oval too long or too thin. In this quick tutorial you’ll learn how to draw a Sperm Whale in just a few quick steps, but first… The sperm whale is the largest of the toothed whales as well as the largest of all toothed predators, not just in the sea! The end result should be similar to a pill. Step 3. Add a small circle for the eye and the two flippers, dorsal fin, and the pectoral fins. In this quick tutorial you’ll learn how to draw a Beluga Whale in just a few quick steps, but first… The beluga whale, also called white whales, is an arctic and sub-arctic whale. These massive animals on average can get to a length of Next. This one is quite easy to do. This easy, step-by-step drawing tutorial is here to show you how. Today, killer whales frequently star in films such as Free Willy (1993). The film's star, Keiko, and Shamu, one of the first orcas in captivity, are among the most well-known killer whales. Draw an oval of irregular shape, mouth, fins and tail. How to Draw a Whale. Begin by drawing a large circle for the base of the body and then the "line of motion" for the motion it's swimming in. In this drawing lesson the team of DrawingForAll will show you how to draw a whale – one of the most famous inhabitants of the underwater depths of the seas.. Step 1: Draw a long, narrow oval as a guide for the killer whale's body. Would you like to draw your very own whale? With these easy steps, learn how to draw a beluga whale! Scroll down for a downloadable PDF of this tutorial. Then, the whales force the water out of their mouths, catching tiny morsels in their baleen, or brush-like teeth. The species that you will be drawing, is a very simplified version of a humpback whale. These whales feed by opening their giant mouths to let in large amounts of water. Be sure to leave enough room on either side so you can draw the rest of the killer whale. The head and torso of the whale – a single construction. Fast fact! Add the whale's head and then add two curves that almost meet at the end of the body. Next in the line in our how to draw sea animals tutorials is this super simple how to draw a whale step by step tutorial. This is the whale's base of the body. This is a fun cartoon like tutorial and as it’s easy it’s perfect for beginners and kids as young as preschoolers and kindergarten. Beluga whales are known mostly for their pure white skin and large foreheads. Would you like to draw a killer whale? Also, draw a small hump on the back of your whale, closer to its tail. This whale also goes by the names melonhead and sea canary: melonhead is a name describing its funny, large, round head and Step 1. more. Killer whales are also called orcas. Now connect the marks using curved lines to create the shape of the head. Learn how to draw a simple cartoon whale. Killer whales or orcas, are more related to dolphins than whales. I love the way this drawing came out because not only does it look like a humpback, I also made sure that it would be almost effortless to replicate when you go to draw a whale of such magnificence. This lesson is about drawing a whale. How to Draw a Beluga Whale. This step by step lesson progressively builds upon each previous step until you get to the final rendering of the Blue Whale. Orcas got their name “killer whale” because they are the largest of all dolphins are Draw your whale’s eye near the center of its body, just slightly above its fin. Sketch lightly at first. It is astounding how tiny a human being is relative to a whale that weights up to several tons! Perfect for boosting drawing confidence! Now make a mark high above the eyes and another mark below the eyes. Whale resembles a humongous submarine. In this drawing lesson we’ll show you how to draw the Blue Whale in 6 easy steps. In this quick tutorial you’ll learn how to draw a killer whale in just a few quick steps, but first… Killer whales are not whales at all.