Dosage and How To Use. Dilute the castor oil with another oil, though it is fairly thick mixing it with another oil can make it a little easier to apply. While castor oil benefits are innumerable, this article is focused more on castor oil for nails! It’s used to treat a wide variety of ailments, but is famously known as a remedy for thinning hair. Castor oil for hair is not a new age remedy or a contemporary hair care solution. Castor oil can do a lot to improve the quality of your eyelashes and stimulate eyelash growth. Castor oil has been used for a very long time and with almost no side effects, preferable around the world. To use castor oil for cleansing, determine how much you should apply based on your skin type and prepare your own custom blend of this oil … Castor Oil has a sticky and thick consistency which makes it hard to wash it off but there is a technique that you could use to wash castor oil off your hair easily. How to use castor oil and Coconut oil for hair growth fast? How to Use Castor Oil for Eyelash Regrowth. Combine 3 tablespoons (44 ml) castor oil, 1 tablespoon (15 ml) jojoba oil and 1 tablespoon (15 ml) coconut oil. Castor oil features incredibly prominently in Ayurveda, also known as traditional Indian medicine. Castor oil (Arandi ka tel) is one of the time tested remedies for many common ailments that we experience in daily life. Use lukewarm water to make your scalp and hair damp. Castor oil also improves the appearance of our hair by adding luster to them. The dosage of castor oil taken internally depends on what you’re using it for, along with factors like your age, existing medical conditions and response to laxative-type treatments. Mix castor with one part castor with another oil like argan, jojoba, coconut or other. If taking castor oil orally, a commonly recommended dose for adults (such as to treat constipation) is 15–60 mL, taken in one single dose. It is being used for a long time to prevent and treat hair thinning as well as hair loss. All of these properties of castor oil add up to enhance the number and strength of hair along with a reduction in loss of hair. Although castor oil is well-known for its diuretic affects, it can also act as a skin cleanser and treatment for acne and signs of aging. Lastly, it also decreases the absorption of water by a hair(1). It is a boon for hair problems. Now dampening your scalp would help in unclogging scalp … Castor oil’s Ayurvedic tradition. When you regularly apply castor oil or Jamaican black castor oil to your eyelashes, you will find that they will soon look beautiful naturally. Even if you use it every day, it will leave no side effects in 9 out of 10 people. Here is an example for you.