However, you can attract Pileated Woodpeckers to your yard as they are known to come into suet feeders especially in the winter. However, don’t use your hummingbird feeder for this purpose. Food and shelter. I actually have been lucky enough to get them in to my suet feeders in summer too. Pecking about in tree trunks to make a home and feed in are what its natural instinct tells it to do, so gardens with trees are most likely to attract woodpeckers, as this offers them a living space as well as a feeding space. Offer suet. Ian has given you good advice about creating the right sort of habitat. 7 Foods That Attract Woodpeckers Suet. This site is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Pileated woodpeckers -- crow-sized birds with distinctive black and white coloration and red crests -- are native to United States woodlands. The Green woodpecker is one of only three types of woodpecker in the UK, the other two being the Great and Lesser spotted woodpeckers. There are many reasons to attract woodpeckers in the garden, and birds in general. I will have to check in to the types of woodpeckers that you get in the UK. Great spotted woodpeckers in the garden. I didn’t waste any time in trying to attract birdlife into the garden, so I bought some suet blocks, mealworms and winter bird seed mix, cleaned and filled up the neglected bird feeder left by the previous owners and waited. Here's some great tips on how to get these perky birds to visit your backyard: Woodpeckers dine mostly on insects, but will also eat acorns, nuts, fruit, sap, berries and pine seeds. In winter when other foods are scarce, suet is a good food to give to woodpeckers. In addition to hanging the feeder (or feeders), put up a nectar feeder in your feeding station as woodpeckers love sweet nectar as well. In winter when other foods are scarce, suet is a good food to give to woodpeckers. Woodpeckers in my garden by Lydia Harvey Ever since I was a child, walking on the common with my dad, I’ve spent a lot of my time staring up into the trees hoping to catch a glimpse of the elusive woodpecker as it makes its distinctive drumming sound high in the trees. How to Attract Woodpeckers To Your Yard (7 Easy Tips) Affiliate Disclaimer. Their famous pecking noise can be heard from far and wide. If you don’t hear one first then there is a good chance of identifying a great spotted woodpecker in flight. If your arboreal options are a little slim, try planting some established trees, so you won’t have to wait long for a feathered resident to move in. By providing the food they like or good places for them to nest, there is a high probability you can attract woodpeckers to your yard. If a woodpecker could tell you its favorite food, it would probably be suet, and lots of it. We also participate in other affiliate programs. IDENTIFICATION : Woodpeckers With only three species of woodpecker regularly breeding in Britain, identifying them should not pose too much of a problem and this is … You will also see the occasional warbler, thrasher, jay, and goldfinch. Home > Birding > Attracting Birds > The 4 Best Foods for Woodpeckers. Their undulating flight path is a characteristic feature, and very obvious once witnessed. Great spotted woodpeckers will take to nest boxes in gardens and will also come to bird tables. ATTRACTING WOODPECKERS TO YOUR BACKYARD. Attracting Green Woodpeckers is very much hit and miss. 7 Foods That Attract Woodpeckers Suet. The Green woodpecker is one of only three types of woodpecker in the UK, the other two being the Great and Lesser spotted woodpeckers. Katie Fuller over 4 years ago. Attracting Woodpeckers Garden Birds, Bird Feeding & Nestboxes. If you can offer lots of these things, you should be well on the way to attracting lots of birds and other wildlife. A 3" to 4" Branch about three feet long brings two GSW to my garden Drill 20mm hole right through the Branch, I use a self made Lard, Suet and nut mix to fill the Holes the Peckers love it, They also love Sunflower Hearts again drill some holes about 30mm deep into a branch fill with Sunflower Hearts hang it in the Garden … Woodpeckers favorite backyard food is suet. Each of these woodpeckers will have slightly different needs and preferences, but by understanding the basics of how to attract woodpeckers, it is possible to enjoy several species of woodpeckers in your yard. If you don’t hear one first then there is a good chance of identifying a great spotted woodpecker in flight. Woodpeckers should definitely top the list, though. The 4 Best Foods for Woodpeckers Attract more woodpeckers to your backyard with a winning menu. I don't do anything special but they do turn up occasionally to give the lawn a good working over. If a woodpecker could tell you its favorite food, it would probably be suet, and lots of it. Suet is a food that will attract many different species, including most woodpeckers, chickadees, flickers, nuthatches, wrens, and more. Great spotted woodpeckers will take to nest boxes in gardens and will also come to bird tables. Suet, suet and more suet! If woodpeckers are your favorites, careful consideration of food, nesting sites, water, and safe cover will help you create a woodpecker, bird-friendly space.