But for spreading egg wash, glaze, or melted butter on delicate doughs or pastry and for removing crumbs from layer cakes before frosting them, we prefer to use a pastry brush with natural-fiber bristles. A brush with tighter bristles such as this 1.4-inch pastry brush makes easy work of delicate jobs such as applying glaze or wash to individual pastries and tarts. You don't want to use one that's been dipped in paint or some other chemical. Out of ideas! discussion from the Chowhound General Discussion, Cleaning food community. Read the What's the best way to clean a pastry brush? And watch for any bristles that may fall out into your food. Pastry brushes can be used for a variety of tasks in the kitchen: Use to put an egg wash, sugar glaze, salt glaze, or melted butter on pastry. A brush with tighter bristles such as this 1.4-inch pastry brush makes easy work of delicate jobs such as applying glaze or wash to individual pastries and tarts. Out of ideas! Here, a simple substitute that you can make at home. To evaluate the pastry brushes, I brushed sheets of phyllo dough with melted butter, brushed crimped pie edges with egg wash, and brushed crumbs off split layers of cake. Cherry wood natural pastry brush. Use for candy-making. Another puff pastries guide with cinnamon ! Wiki User August 11, 2015 9:56PM. These brushes are of high quality and built to last in your kitchen. There is not a big difference between our idea of "baking" and "roasting" since both foods use a means of convection and heat to cook product. How do you use pastry brush? What you need: A roll of parchment paper and a pair of scissors. The brushes are made from 100% food-grade, BPA free, FDA approved silicone. Pastry brushes are used in cooking to apply a liquid to a solid, similar to how a painter would use a paint brush. Yummm ! With dish soap Pastry brushes are small brushes with soft bristles, used in the kitchen to brush sauces, oils or glazes on food items that can be sweet or savoury. Use to add a glaze to meats and fish. Many pastries need to be glazed or brushed with things like egg whites, melted butter, or milk. AdeptChef has invented a multicoloured pastry brush set that is easy to use and will not confuse you in the kitchen. Use to add fat before assembling phyllo dough. A pastry brush controls the amount of glaze which is applied, and ensures that it is spread evenly and efficiently. Just before sliding puff pastry, pâte à choux, a double-crusted pie, or a loaf of bread into the oven, most bakers brush the top of the pastry with an egg wash. How do I get the oil out of my basting brush/pastry brush?! We love our favorite silicone brush for basting meat and poultry and for oiling hot pans. Join the discussion today. You won't believe the tool. The brush is stubby and rounded, so you won’t get the surface area of some of the flatter brushes… Butter is the same as oil and is rather difficult to clean.