The Eastern indigo snake, which is found in the Southeastern United States, is one of the largest non-venomous snakes in the South, but is far more biddable than the black racer. They don’t tend to have venomous glands so they will not have any kind of poisonous venom. I don’t know which snake you have in mind, but the Yellow-bellied Sea Snake fits the description. The black rat snack is a perfectly harmless snake that you may encounter in your garden. No, Black Racer Snakes is neither poisonous nor venomous. (Photo: Matt Reinbold [CC BY-SA 2.0] /Flickr) If you happen upon a snake … P. porphyriacus is a small-headed member of the cobra family, Elapidae. However, one black snake that is poisonous is the black mamba. black and yellow snake are poisonous because its bright colors say to the animal that wants to eat waring don,t eat me you will die in 73 days Asked in Snakes The black racer snake in North America does occasionally kill and eat other snakes. At three meters long, the Mulga snake is one of the longest venomous serpents in the world. Venomous black widow spider bites, snake bites, and jellyfish stings certainly sound more dangerous than contact poisons, but in terms of worldwide exposure, the more dangerous of the two is undoubtedly animal poison, since it doesn't require animals … Also known as the King Brown snake, the species actually belongs in the genus Pseudechis (black snakes). However, you can get panic if a Black Racer Snakes are coming your way because Black Racer Snakes tend to be a very fast-moving snake. I don’t know which snake you have in mind, but the Yellow-bellied Sea Snake fits the description. It is quite possibly the most poisonous snake in the world. First off, a snake may be venomous-capable of injecting toxin-but not poisonous—which would require you to taste or eat it. It is blue-black with a red belly, and its average length well, black snakes CAN be considered poisonous just because their color is meant for a warning that it can be dangerous. The venom from this snake can kill a human being within 20 minutes, and its bite … First off, a snake may be venomous-capable of injecting toxin-but not poisonous—which would require you to taste or eat it. It depends on the snake... the Black Adder is poisonous, but the Black Rat Snake is not. So if you’re standing between a snake and its escape route, prepare for a fearsome display. You are probably seeing a black rat snake that will eat eggs and baby chicks if it has access to them but otherwise is a … They don’t tend to have venomous glands so they will not have any kind of poisonous venom. :) Black snake, any of about a dozen species of snakes that are all black or nearly so. There are no native black colored snakes that are poisonous in North America that I know of other than the Arizona Black Rattlesnake. There are many big black snakes. Australia has two species of black snakes, Pseudechis porphyriacus and P. guttatus. Although all species are potentially dangerous, here’s our pick of the 10 most dangerous snakes in Australia – some of them highly venomous, some extremely nervous, some you’re just more likely to see slithering away in your backyard.. GALLERY: Australia’s 10 most dangerous snakes However, you can get panic if a Black Racer Snakes are coming your way because Black Racer Snakes tend to be a very fast-moving snake. If you're referring to snakes colloquially known as “black snakes” in North America—which are black racers, black rat stakes and black kingsnakes, none are venomous and I personally don't know of anyone who thinks they are. others however, may look like another kind of snake that is poisonous so that animals will stay away from it. It also makes a good pet. Having a black snake won’t guarantee that there are no other snakes around. Black rat snakes, however, aren’t known for snake killing. No, Black Racer Snakes is neither poisonous nor venomous. Myth #1: They keep poisonous snakes away. this animal may be perfectly harmless.