any buck for which the outside spread of the main beams is less than 20 inches is NOT legal to harvest. Arizona deer season dates that are shown on this page are either upcoming or currently open. These dates will be modified as each state releases more information. DRAFT Position Announcement: Cooperative Mule Deer Biologist The Mule Deer Foundation (MDF), U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), and Arizona Game & Fish Department (AGFD) have created a Cooperative Mule Deer Biologist position to be located at the AGFD Headquarters in Phoenix, Arizona. I have relatives in Arizona and would like to hunt with them. Jim Lawrence serves as President of Arizona Mule Deer a nonprofit wildlife conservation group. In the table below you will find the tentative 2019 state application deadlines, application strategy article release dates and tentative draw result dates. 2018 Colorado mule deer. Regulations . An experimental antler restriction for mule deer bucks applies in Briscoe, Childress, Cottle, Floyd, Hall, Lynn and Motley counties: a legal buck deer is defined as a buck with an outside antler spread 20 inches or greater. But that doesn’t mean it’s easy. One of the best ways for a hunter to dip their toes into the world of western hunting is to grab their bow, head to Arizona and buy an over-the-counter mule deer tag. Also I read that mule deer will rut before the coues. What happens if you do not get drawn if you spend all that money to hunt. Look for November 26, 2019 at 12:25 am | Reply. tain lion hunting season dates, harvest thresholds and reporting requirements. The Arizona license year begins on Jan. 1 st and some units have late season hunting seasons open until Jan 31st. Season opens again in December and runs through January for when the bucks are in rut. This annual booklet includes season dates, bag limits, hunt types, open areas, rules, regulations, drawing application details, and other requirements for the hunting of most big game, small game, other wildlife in Arizona. The state has two distinct species, the mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus) and the white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus). Daniel Rodriguez ret/usmc. The most abundant deer in Arizona is the Rocky Mountain mule deer. I am a former resident of arizona. Mule deer are not limited to any one type of terrain, being found from … Of the 140 total mule deer hunt areas, less than 20 of them are over objective when it comes to population counts. Arizona has many surprises when it comes to hunting seasons. So, we bought licenses and hunted the first week of January, but these licenses are still good to return this year without any additional costs besides fuel! Many game units in the state offer archery only non-permit tags that require no drawing. While many would believe that this Southwestern state is nothing but desert, Arizona’s ecosystem is perfect for a variety of wildlife.