Welcome to The Dollars Trilogy Wiki The online encyclopedia for the Dollars Trilogy and related media that anyone can edit! The Dollars Trilogy (also referred to as the Man with No Name Trilogy) is a series of Spaghetti Western films directed by Sergio Leone, consisting of A Fistful of Dollars, For a Few Dollars More, and The Good, the Bad and the Ugly. Dollars Trilogy (Italian: Trilogia del dollaro), also known as the Man with No Name Trilogy or the Blood Money Trilogy, is an Italian film series consisting of three … The "Dollars Trilogy" is simultaneously a Thematic Series (there are no story connections at all and only some cursory Continuity Nod moments) and a Deconstructor Fleet, depicting the Wild West as a grim Crapsack World. La Trilogie du dollar, appelée aussi Trilogie de l’homme sans nom, est le nom donné a posteriori à un ensemble de trois westerns spaghetti de Sergio Leone : Pour une poignée de dollars , Et pour quelques dollars de plus et Le Bon, la Brute et le Truand . The Man with No Name (Italian: Uomo senza nome) is the character portrayed by Clint Eastwood in Sergio Leone's "Dollars Trilogy" of Spaghetti Western films: A Fistful of Dollars (1964), For a Few Dollars More (1965), and The Good, the Bad and the Ugly (1966). A Coffin Full of Dollars is a 1971 novel by Joe Millard. While there were moments in A Fistful of Dollars that were emotionally satisfying, the two films that followed it had far more wallop to them. Sergio Leone’s Dollars Trilogy: A Fistful of Dollars by Paul Casey December 12, 2018, 1:00 pm A Fistful of Dollars , released in 1964, was the first Western directed by Sergio Leone, as well as Clint Eastwood’s first leading role. The Man with No Name: Trilogy (A Fistful of Dollars / For a Few Dollars More / The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly) Dollars Trilogy (Italian: Trilogia del dollaro), also known as the Man with No Name Trilogy or the Blood Money Trilogy, is an Italian film series consisting of three Spaghetti Western films directed by Sergio Leone.The films are titled A Fistful of Dollars (1964), For a Few Dollars More (1965) and The Good, the Bad and the Ugly (1966). They were distributed by United Artists. The "Dollars Trilogy" is simultaneously a Thematic Series (there are no story connections at all and only some cursory Continuity Nod moments) and a Deconstructor Fleet, depicting the Wild West as a grim Crapsack World. It is the first of five spin-off novels following the Man with No Name. Fistful of Dollars and For a Few Dollars More has Clint Eastwood's revolver as the "Single Action Army revolver" introduced 1872. Fistful of Dollars has a gravestone dated 1873, and For a Few Dollars More shows a newspaper archive dated 1873. Livraison gratuite (voir cond.). But it's also part of a supposed trilogy: A Fistful of Dollars (1964) For a Few Dollars More (1965) The Good, the Bad and the Ugly (1966) I believe there is no specific plot that connects them, only the "Man With No Name" character. Amazon.com: The Man with No Name Trilogy (A Fistful of Dollars, For A Few Dollars More, The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly): Clint Eastwood, Eli Wallach, Lee Van Cleef, Gian Maria Volontè, Aldo Giuffrè, Luigi Pistilli, Rada Rassimov, Enzo Petito, Claudio Scarchilli, John Bartha, Livio Lorenzon, Antonio Casale, Sergio Leone, Adriano Bolzoni, Agenore Incrocci, Duccio Tessari, Enzo … The film is just as stylish as A Fistful of Dollars but adds layers of emotional complexity and resonance that put it comfortably above the first film of the trilogy. Alternate Versions When the film first aired on American TV (ABC) in August 1977, a network executive ordered the creation of a new prologue (directed by Monte Hellman) to give a moral justification for the lead character's killings: a prison warden (Harry Dean Stanton) commutes "The Man With No Name's" sentence if he goes to San Miguel and restores order to the town. A Fistful of Dollars Edit Following the arrival of a mysterious stranger , Piripero is ordered to make three coffins when the man confronts a group of gunmen hired by John Baxter , the local sheriff.