@DonBranson I live in California and have scared off a pack of coyotes on many occasions. You will live more peacefully with coyotes if you have less contact with them, and if they remain afraid of you. How to Act when Near a Coyote. Coyotes who have adapted to urban and suburban environments, however, may realize there are few real threats and may approach people or feel safe visiting yards even when people are present. Coyote Exclusions, Deterrents and Repellents Colorado Parks and Wildlife (CPW), Area 5 CPW has compiled this list as a tool for homeowners to utilize when trying to minimize conflicts with coyotes. Now I love the sound (as long as my dogs are in the house). Coyotes run in packs and pairs: Coyotes may run in a large pack, their family, but they tend to hunt in pairs. Having lived in New Orleans for most of my adult life, it was a shock to see my first coyote in our semi-rural neighborhood in northern Illinois a few years back. – theJollySin May 22 '15 at 16:20. active oldest votes. A dog-coyote mix is called a "coydog." As long as you don't hit them in the face a bb gun will only sting them or you could fire a .22 in the air and it will scare them away or protect you if need be. By Julia Lane, July 2010, Updated February 2015. Some cases have shown coyotes becoming more brave and aggressive towards humans. I've read that they have the ability to make noise as if they're a large pack through their vocal cords. Are You Afraid of Coyotes? That means there are plenty of other animals that are there or those coyotes wouldn’t be around.” Coyotes are slender and similar in appearance to a medium-sized dog. These coyotes are used to living near humans, so they are not nearly as afraid as coyotes in a national park. Coyotes can run at almost 40 mph and can get over an 8 foot fence. 1. But if you encounter coyotes who have adapted to urban environments, hazing techniques can teach them to keep away. carry a bb gun or a .22 with you. While they may be known as cute, cuddly animals from TV, coyotes are wild animals, and should be treated with respect. Reply. Coyotes generally avoid people. Coyotes will eat just about anything, so it’s important to keep your garbage tightly sealed in an animal-proof container that’s not easily accessible. Though there is a rise in awareness that coyotes are around, there is still a great deal of misunderstanding among city residents about coyote behavior and their role in urban ecology. When the fear level in a coyote diminishes, that is when they become dangerous to people. Very low threat to a full-grown human. Humane fence roller keeps pets in, wild animals out. Urban coyotes do not “fear” humans — that is an incorrect term. He barks at anything “that goes bump in the night”, but not at coyotes. The number one most effective way to prevent coyote attacks in your neighborhood is to eliminate wildlife feeding. But if you encounter coyotes who have adapted to urban environments, hazing techniques can teach them to keep away. Coyote Facts. Do not feed coyotes. Generally, coyotes are reclusive animals who avoid human contact. If you feed your dog outside, bring in any dog food … For extra security, store your trash can inside of a garage or shed. This means that, although a coyote won’t flee lickety-split in fear when they see a human, they nonetheless will maintain distance and not approach us. Coyotes that are fed in residential neighborhoods can lose their fear of people and may eventually test humans (and pets) as possible prey. Personally, I can do without the scaremongering of the company’s “Top 10 Reasons Why You Need the Coyote Roller.” As suburban sprawl aggressively swallows wide, open spaces, it’s important to remember that we’re the invading species, not coyotes, raccoons, skunks or other animals that are conveniently labeled as pests. If you like coyotes, the nicest thing you can do is keep their fear of humans intact. At first, the sound of coyotes creeped me out. Only 5-20% of coyote pups survive their first year. If you've never heard a pair on a hunt, imagine the sounds of high pitched barks, yelps, and yips. The following exclusion techniques, deterrents, and repellents were gathered from various internet searches and written source reviews. Will coyotes attack pets? There are some benefits of having coyotes around in the suburbs and cities. Six Easy Steps to Avoid Conflicts | Although coyotes have been known to attack humans (and pets) and as such are a potential danger to people, especially children, risks are minimal and we feel that the majority of attack incidents could be reduced or prevented through modification of human behavior. Coyote FAQ; Do coyotes attack people? most coyotes will leave people alone but if it's a large hungry pack you can't tell what they will do. Urban coyotes can be aggressive, and will climb under or over fences to attack small dogs and cats. Cases such as people feeding these animals give the coyote a sense of trust that through adaptation will be bad in the future.