Create BETA. Mrs. Buzzell's Science Spot features current science news, links to life science videos, science animations and games. Catstello narrowly escapes into the mousehole, while the cat crashes into a wall. What is the chemical that the mice were exposed to? A Tale of Two Mice – Epigenetic Research. This sounds a lot like what I heard about epigenetics on the NOVA program this evening. In this study, pregnant mice were exposed to Genistein, a component of soy, to determine if exposure to genistein influenced gene expression among genetically identical offspring. A Tale of Two Mice – Epigenetic Research By Linda on Sep 21, 2010 in Genetics The epigenetic research is explained very well in the attached text from a video clip that I have put on the website. In this study, pregnant mice were exposed to Genistein, a component of soy, to determine if exposure to genistein influenced gene expression among genetically identical offspring. (53 seconds). It is increasingly recognized that environmental exposure to chemical, nutritional, and behavioral factors alters gene expression and affects health and disease by not only mutating promoter and coding regions of genes, but also by modifying the epigenome — modifications to DNA that confer an additional layer of heritable gene regulation that lead to disease when deregulated. Catstello is being chased by a cat rapidly at high speed around the house, yelling "Hey Babbit!" [Editor's note: For more on the agouti mice, see "A Tale of Two Mice" in Editors' Picks.] A Tale of Two Mice. By Linda on Sep 21, 2010 in Genetics. How is the agouti gene different between the sister mice? > A Tale of Two Mice. Tale of Two Mice, re-released as A Tale of Two Mice, is a 1945 Looney Tunes short directed by Frank Tashlin. In this video segment adapted from NOVA scienceNOW , learn how what you eat, drink, or smoke ... A Tale of Two Mice. A Tale of Two Mice By Dana Dolinoy, NOVA ScienceNow 24 July 2007: Our lifestyles and environment can change the way our genes are expressed, leading even identical twins to become distinct as they age. In this audio slide show, hear how the epigenome can make identical-twin mice appear so different. You can watch this cartoon today on your computer. The pictures bring this to life and will be very educational to any audience but the conclusion from the video clip is below. A Tale of Two Mice. These experiments at Helix High and in the Georgia school system are presented in the video entitled Better Food for Better Students, available from the Price Pottenger Nutrition Foundation, San Diego.