The common gull butterfly Cepora nerissa (Fabricious) of Pieridae lays eggs on the foliage of the bushy Caparis spinosa and forages on the floral nectar of the same plant. ... Common crow butterfly. The caterpillars of many species accept the foliage of more than one host plant species as food. Mussanda frontosa ( Vellila ) is a nectar plant for many butterflies and larval host plant of Commander butterfly. Host plant list for few butterflies of North East India Compiled by Kishen Das For corrections and additions mail to Number Butterfly Species Host Plant Nectar Plant 1. The site will help you every step of the way providing complete information about each species of butterfly found in India, their host plants, preferred nectar sources, tips for rearing and more. The host plant for this species is passionvine; Passiflora species. Gulf Fritillary Butterfly (Agraulis vanillae) Type and Coloration. Beautify your garden! Not all passionvine… Gulf Fritillary – Agraulis vanillae Gulf Fritillary butterflies are orange with black spots. The top 10 plants for butterflies. We use cookies to make interactions with our website easy and meaningful, to better understand the use of our services, and to tailor advertising. Plant Form These are all local native species, so help to support other native wildlife as well. Gulf Fritillary Butterfly (Agraulis vanillae) Type and Coloration. The forewing is similarly marked, but the ground color is mostly white. _____ INTRODUCTION The butterfly fauna of the southern part of the Indian peninsula is very rich and diverse compared to other parts of the The Gulf fritillary or passion butterfly (Agraulis vanillae) is a bright orange butterfly in the subfamily Heliconiinae of the family Nymphalidae.That subfamily was formerly set apart as a separate family, the Heliconiidae.The Heliconiinae are "longwing butterflies", which have long, narrow wings compared to … 2. ... You can attract native butterflies to your garden by growing the right host plants. nectar host plant for a variety of species is studied in detail. This will feed the life cycle of butterflies and increase the population. The underside of the common Gull is ground color of the hind wing is creamy yellow in contrast to its similar species and the veins are broadly lined with light brown to dark gray scales. : Different colour varieties of lantana flowers is necessary. Butterfly Nectar Plants Lantana spp. Categorized as a "longwing", the wings of the Gulf Fritillary are elongated. Learn How to Set up a butterfly garden right in your backyard. The dark markings of the underside hind wing show through faintly on the upper side. It is bright orange above with black markings with three black-lined white spots near the leading edge of the fore wing. The dark markings of the underside hind wing show through faintly on the upper side. For documenting flora of India that is being discussed on efloraofindia google e-group along with supplementing the working of the group. Caper White, Blue tiger, Common crow, and L esser wanderer, on a Callistemon flower Here are some good nectar plants. nectar host plant for a variety of species is studied in detail. Of more than 20,000 Australian species of moths and butterflies there are only about 385 butterfly species. Senna species NATIVE SENNAS (The yellow flowers attract …