Ferrets are not related at all to rats. Rats are rodents, ferrets are related to skunks, polecats, otters, and weasels. Sea otters are much bigger than ferrets and can be spotted off the western United States coastline. Wild sea otters live in the Pacific Ocean. Ferrets and otters, like skunks, are mustelids. They have the ability to create and use tools just like beavers, monkeys, and apes. (It's true that these wild cousins are likely to eat a rat.) However, not all mustelids have delayed implantation, and many species closely related do not share this trait. Ferrets, weasels, and stoats, also called ermines, are members of the Mustelid family. What are ferrets classified with? Aren't ferrets related to rats? Mustelids probably evolved from a carnivore called a miacid during the early tertiary period, about 65 … Mustelids are diverse and the largest family in the order Carnivora. I have no idea how or where to get one. Otters can and will destroy most of your house. Wikipedia Scientific name: Mustelidae Higher classification: Caniformia Rank: Family Lower classifications: Mink, Neovison, Otter, Weasel, Mustelinae, Meles. PLAY. You might not immediately see a connection. Aren’t ferrets illegal? They are all part of the Mustelidae family. All mustelids, as otters and their relatives are known, are entirely … What Philum and Class are ferrets in? They're closely related to each other as well as to martins, minks, wolverines and otters. I’ve seen it firsthand more than once. Sea otters are quite a bit larger than pet ferrets. Saved from Uploaded by user. The average life span for an Otter is 10 years. Ferrets are also related to otters, skunks and badgers. They aren’t related to the beaver but they are often mistaken for them. Sea otters are quite a bit larger than pet ferrets. Here's the truth about ferrets. If you look closely enough, there is a similarity in their features. “Mustelids belong to the large order Carnivora, which means they are actually more closely related to other members of Carnivora, like dogs, cats and bears, than to rats and mice.” Other members in the weasel family include polecats, badgers, minks, martens, black-footed ferrets, wolverines and otters. Discover ideas about Ferret Toys. Black-Footed Ferret. Ferrets are small, affectionate, playful and welcome human interaction. According to Wikipedia , weasels and otters are related. Ferrets have the same personality as otters and are in the same family. Otters are related, being 'pole cats' but, differ by being generally piscivorous (fish eaters) and having webbed feet. Otters are carnivorous mammals in the subfamily Lutrinae.The 13 extant otter species are all semiaquatic, aquatic or marine, with diets based on fish and invertebrates.Lutrinae is a branch of the Mustelidae family, which also includes weasels, badgers, … Female pet African clawless otters, "normal" behavior in a house. It is unknown when ferrets were first domesticated. Yes. Ferrets are descendants from the European Polecat and are commonly counted in the weasel family of animals that relate to otters, badgers, mink, etc. Descended from the Siberian or European polecat, ferrets are mammals but definitely not rodents. Mustelids include 65 species (and 25 genera) of weasels, badgers, ferrets, fishers, grisons, martens, otters, polecats, stoats, minks, tayras, wolverines, and more. Otters are normally considered part of wildlife as well as there apply demands that choose it. What family are ferrets from? Ferrets are a very close and silly relative of the weasel, polecat and the mink. STUDY. The domestic ferret belongs to the order Carnivora and the family Mustelidae. Descended from the Siberian or European polecat, ferrets are mammals but definitely not rodents. Ferrets/ Otters. They are members of the weasel family and are related to minks, ermines, otters, skunks, badgers, and wolverines. Ferrets are also related to otters, skunks and badgers.