Leg it! Pack of lions try to saunter over to mother and baby in Kenyan safari park Bill and Barbara Westbrook were visiting the Kicheche Bush Camp in Masai Mara, Kenya for the seventh time when they spotted a giraffe protecting her calf against a pride of lions. Mother Giraffe Tries Saving Her Calf From Lions. The video shows the adult giraffe protecting the calf by placing the small animal between her legs. Lion Gets Ready to Pounce but Momma Saves the Day A buffalo calf lost its mother in Kruger National Park and was yelling out for its parent in front of several spectators. Pack of lions try to saunter over to mother and baby in Kenyan safari park Share. Lion Save Newborn Impala From Leopard Attack Amazing Lion Knockout Cheetah When A … EXTRACT FROM FOLLOWING THIRD PARTY SOURCE: Latest Sightings This amazing footage reveals how both captivating and brutal nature can be. Even though she was outnumbered, and without any sharp claws of her own, the giraffe stood strong to protect her calf. Giraffe mother uses its long limbs to fend off entire pride of lions and save its young calf. While at the conservancy's Kicheche Bush Camp, the Westbrooks witnessed a standoff between a mother giraffe and a pride of lions intent on eating her calf. Mother Giraffe Tries Saving Her Calf From Lions. Bio; Lions prey on giraffes. But in this incredible footage, the gangly African mammal bests the king of the jungle. ... the couple said that the encounter in this video between a mother giraffe and a pride of lions … Jump to. The moaning and groaning attracted a hungry lion, who look ready to pounce on the youngster. It’s how the food chain works. Accessibility Help. Giraffe Take Down Lion! Kristina Bravo is Assistant Editor at TakePart. Giraffe's desperate fight to save one-day-old baby calf from hungry lion. Watch how this mother giraffe continuously storms upon a pride of lions that’s trying to attack her young calf as she desperately tries to protect this young one from a dreadful fate. Mother giraffe protects calf from lions in Kenya. Sections of this page. Luckily for the little guy, his mom showed up just in time to scare off the lion. Giraffe mother uses its long limbs to fend off entire pride of lions and save its young calf. Leg it!