Dogs and cats are both intelligent, but not smarter than humans. Whats your opinion? 10 Animals That Are Smarter Than You Think. Answers such as "horses and dogs are in different categories so you cant really say one is smarter that the other" are not helpful. Thanks all my yahooooo buddies! Dogs are not smarter than humans. The donkeys and horses were about equal in their ability to figure out the question, though both were slower than mules. In fact, they performed as well as dogs that were asked to solve the same question, showing that predators are no better than prey animals at solving this type of spatial problem. Please just tell me why you think one is smarter than the other. Good questions btw. Horses are smarter than we realize Many people that think horses are not the brightest crayon in the box, that they are simple-minded animals without much in the way of intelligence. Human beings are classified as homosapien sapiens, or "wise, wise, man." Answers such as "horses and dogs are in different categories so you cant really say one is smarter that the other" are not helpful. The bottom line here is all about the horses themselves. horses are very smart. =D Mules and horses are highly intelligent, but not to the extent dogs are. and are very surefooted and sturdy. and horses can be smart in different ways. a smart horse will start running to u when u take ur hand out, and when there see there is no food, they stop and nicker in an insulted way. =D Sure, chimps and dolphins are smart. How Smart Are Horses? I would even venture to say that dogs senses are more sensitive than horses/mules which would help with their trainability also. I have a dog and I have mules. Thanks all my yahooooo buddies! Long lifespan: While a guide dog can serve for maybe eight to 12 years, horse have an average lifespan of 30 to 40 years, and can live to be more than 50 years old. Asking if horses and dogs are equally smart, then, doesn't really make much sense. thats one way to tell if a horse is smart. Whats your opinion? a horse is not smart depending on the breed *shakes head* smart horses know how to navigate lands by themselves in darkness. Are dogs smarter than horses, or are horses smarter than dogs? Are dogs smarter than horses, or are horses smarter than dogs? Please just tell me why you think one is smarter than the other.