Especially, broiler chicken is very dangerous for human health. It has a very varied diet and plenty of exercise and exposure to nature. According to what others have said and what I have experienced: * Local chicken has less fats compared to broiler. Animal proteins are a beneficial component of poultry diets because they offer a high level of protein/amino acids, a high level of available phosphorus, reasonable amounts of other minerals, and moderate levels of energy. Those intended for the production of eggs for human consumption (Leghorn-type) have a small body size and are prolific layers, whereas those used as broilers or broiler breeders (meat-type) have rapid growth rates and a … In the past few decades, as people have become more conscious of their health and their wallets, consumer demand for chicken as a primary protein source has continued to climb. Why? Today’s broiler chickens (chickens raised for meat) are bred to be bigger and grow faster than in years past. Determination of Energy-Protein Ratio (EPR) in broilers’ diet in southern climate environment L.BAGHOYAN The faculty of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary, Armenian Agrarian State University, 74 Teryan st., Yerevan 375009, Republic of Armenia An experimental study aimed to determine the effective EPR in broiler’s diet, was carried delivers this healthy and fresh Desi country chicken, cleaned and cut the way you want it, to your doorstep. Compared to 25 years ago, today’s chickens now … Conventionally bred broiler chickens: Most of the chicken available in the stores today comes from flocks that grow to market weight in about 48 days on average, using fewer natural resources – therefore more sustainably. Chicken is the rich source of protein, calcium, amino acids, Vitamin B-3, Vitamin B-6, magnesium and other important nutrients. In poultry nutrition, most attention is given to protein products, due to the importance of protein as a major constituent of the biologically active compounds in the body. Chicken plays an important role in satisfying all the required nutrients. Chickens may respond differently to the increased protein level in the diet, depending mainly on the protein quality and the amino acid profile thereof. Different parts of the country have different breed types such as Aseel, Kadaknath or Bursa. Country Chicken vs Broiler Country chicken or desi murg refers to the breeds of chickens native to India that are raised for eggs and meat. Chickens vary greatly according to the purpose for which they have been developed. Those intended for the production of eggs for human consumption (Leghorn-type) have a small body size and are prolific layers, whereas those used as broilers or broiler breeders (meat-type) have rapid growth rates and … With country chicken you reach the final point normally..With broiler time runs very fast. For broiler chickens, diets are often formulated to contain 22% protein for the starter feed and 19% for the finisher feed, with a metabolisable energy value in the order of 3.3 ME/Kg.