The translation is roughly ‘not to blow at the whisker’. around the bend. 8) They bend over backwards to make your hotel stay as comfortable as possible. Definition and synonyms of bend from the online English dictionary from Macmillan Education.. 1. a. To bring into a state … The isolation drove many mad, allegedly giving rise to the expression 'to go round the bend '. 6) We bend over backwards to make the visiting team feel comfortable. Sometimes “around the corner” can have the same meaning when discussing upcoming events or seasons.For example, in Context 1, they are talking about their upcoming vacation. Idiom: Meaning: Example: gnashing of teeth: anger, complaining When the hospital closed, there was much gnashing of teeth. Change your default dictionary to American English. Release Date of “Up Around the Bend” and Chart Success “Up Around the Bend” was released as a double-sided single, with “Run Through the Jungle” on the other side, in April of 1970. Learn more. This is the British English definition of bend.View American English definition of bend.. Change your default dictionary to American English. Sometimes “around the corner” can have the same meaning when discussing upcoming events or seasons.For example, in Context 1, they are talking about their upcoming vacation. This is the British English definition of bend.View American English definition of bend. drive (one) (a)round the bend To annoy or frustrate one to the point of exasperation. to make someone crazy, to irritate someone. There are a large number of Idioms and they are used very commonly in all languages. Meaning: The idiom “around the bend” means upcoming or coming soon in American English. round the bend phrase [ verb-link PHRASE, PHRASE after verb ] If you say that someone is round the bend, you mean that they do foolish or silly things. b. The idiomatic usage of "around the bend" (which I think must be more common in BrE than in AmE) to mean "insane" only applies to people ... and maybe animals(?) round the bend. How to use round the bend in a sentence. A week on vacation with my relatives is enough to drive me around the bend. albatross around one's neck albatross around one's neck A heavy burden of guilt that becomes an obstacle to success, as in The failed real estate scheme became an albatross around her neck, for now she could not interest other investors in a new project. If anyone told me a few months ago that I'd meet a marvellous person … An idiom's symbolic sense is quite different from the literal meaning or definition of the words of which it is made. ing, bends v. tr. Also see around the corner, def. COMMON If someone is round the bend, their ideas or behaviour are very strange or foolish. The car is speeding around the bend. Sometimes “around the corner” can have the same meaning when discussing upcoming events or seasons. Another idiom about noses. An idiom's symbolic sense is quite different from the literal meaning or definition of the words of which it is made. Both of these tracks were featured on Creedence Clearwater Revival’s album critically acclaimed album Cosmo’s Factory. This idiom has a similar meaning to the English ‘not turn a hair’, i.e., when a person does not give a damn. I actually used to look at mountaineers and think they were a little bit round the bend. Sometimes “around the corner” can have the same meaning when discussing upcoming events or seasons.For example, in Context 1, they are talking about their upcoming vacation. This means ‘to lead (someone) grabbing at their nose’, to fool around with someone. To cause to assume a curved or angular shape: bend a piece of iron into a horseshoe. Meaning: The idiom “around the bend” means upcoming or coming soon in American English. only means that the car is going fast (perhaps in excess of the speed limit). Now it’s time to explain the etymology of this idiom. ... You can bend an alder-tree if you do it slowly. 1. People thought I was round the bend. For example, in Context 1, they are talking about their upcoming vacation. In Context 2, they are talking about the presidential election which is just around the bend. The car is speeding around the bend. around the bend definition: mentally confused or unable to act in a reasonable way: . View the pronunciation for bend. Around the bend definition, to force (an object, especially a long or thin one) from a straight form into a curved or angular one, or from a curved or angular form into some different form: to bend … DRIVEN ROUND BEND WITH JOY; ON YOUR BIKE 'LOVELY FEET'' When your oh'' so tired and weary, and the day at last is at an end, You turn the key, let yourself inside before you go round the bend . The idiomatic usage of "around the bend" (which I think must be more common in BrE than in AmE) to mean "insane" only applies to people ... and maybe animals(?) 29 Russian Idioms to Get Your Head Around. “Drive someone around the bend” means “to irritate, to make someone… Example Sentence: My children always drive me around the bend when they are tired and in a bad mood. Meaning: The idiom “around the bend” means upcoming or coming soon in American English.