Home. . All About WA Poultry Trader. These adorable ducklings turn into quite beautiful waterfowl. Ancona's for sale. ... Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington Washington DC … Moose Manor is located within the Moyaone Reserve in Accokeek, MD, which is just 15 miles south of Washington, DC. FOR SALE; Ancona Ducks. Browse through available ducks for sale and adoption in washington by aviaries, breeders and bird rescues. Mandarin Ducks For Sale … At Chickens for Backyards, we have a huge selection of baby ducks for sale. December 14, 2015 - Ancona Ducks, Washington. Here at Mallard Lane Farms, adult Call ducks are commonly available June-Dec. ... Ancona's for sale. Most birds we sell will be Breeder-Pet Quality . While we do often raise some nice calls, we do not show them, and we usually do not sell "show quality" birds. Runners are a unique bird due to their characteristics instead of waddling when they walk, tend to stand tall and run. (Ph. They lay (even in winter), usually about 260 jumbo white or blue eggs per year. Assortment Runner Ducks. Not for food! Browse through available ducks for sale by aviaries, breeders and bird rescues. ... New York, or Washington. It is not clear whether it originated in the United Kingdom or in the United States. We have enjoyed raising and studying domestic geese and ducks continuously since 1961. Anconas are hardy, adaptable, and an all-around dual-purpose duck. Hatching ducklings monthly during spring and summer months. Day Old Ancona Ducklings Hatching February to July. Khaki Campbell ducks are one of the more popular duck breeds for backyard flocks because of their superior egg production. Please include price, location, and contact details in your ad. If this is the first time you have visited our site: Welcome! New Members Lounge. Home Contact Goats Border Collies Ancona Ducks Services About Sale Terms For Sale Border Collie breeder in Centerville, Washington. Pretty khaki-brown colored ducks, a good layer can lay near daily – year round. They are an excellent dual purpose duck. They are also good for meat as the males can average up to 8 pounds. Also, check out Canada breeders of some other farm animals: Bantam Chicken, Brangus Cattle, or Beltex Sheep; Are you a farm animal breeder who isn’t listed? Please include whether For sale or wanted in title. Browse through available ducks for sale and adoption in washington by aviaries, breeders and bird rescues. General. Anconas are the "cow ducks" here on the farm. Not for food! NY - Ancona Ducks Ancona Ducks in Blue, Black, Buff and Chocolate. WA Poultry Trader. General. All About WA Poultry Trader. You've found the “Washington Ancona Duck Breeders” page here at Hobby Farm Wisdom! Forthright Farms: Follow us on blogger and YouTube! They come in a variety of colors and patterns and no two ducks look the same. Khaki Campbell Ducks. ... 2 young,Pekin Ducks needing new,forever home. Here on our little farm we breed several a varieties of heritage chickens, ducks, geese, turkeys, and guinea fowl for super fresh, healthy eggs and meat.