Research has shown that motivation is related to whether or not students have opportunities to be autonomous and to make important academic choices. ‘According to this incompatibilist conception of autonomy, autonomy is incompatible with determinism.’ ‘All virtue is contained in autonomy, all vice in its absence, and all morality is summarized in the imperatives that guide the will.’ ‘Actions that are consistent with the dignity and autonomy of moral agents are intrinsically good.’ How to use independent in a sentence. Independent definition is - not dependent: such as. Intentionally introducing autonomy, mastery and purpose into our organisations will provide better results. ... Summer 2002 The social payoff of the new knowledge would be new technology, then new industries and new jobs. having autonomy; not subject to control from outside; independent: a subsidiary that functioned as an autonomous unit. So, here, I will be explaining how to make your own simple Autonomous vehicle. ... "I love the way the lessons are laid out in small chunks with quizzes to make sure you understand a concept before moving on. As leaders and change agents, we have a small window of opportunity to have people talk about the type of leader we are rather than the things that we do. To be such a leader should in itself be the purpose behind our intrinsic motivation. Synonyms for autonomous at with free online thesaurus, antonyms, and definitions. But with lesser accuracy and with better knowledge in vehicle control mechanism, one can build their own Autonomous vehicle. Peaceful protests were from the beginning dealt with violently, fuelling local sympathies for autonomy or independence. The telescope has an autonomous system of gears to compensate for the Earth's rotation. In small group discussions, students can share their personal interests and then see how these fit with the teacher’s list. ... Identify sentences or phrases that are not clear. In a two-stage motion scheme, it is assumed that the autonomous vehicle is initially moved to its desired pose by using closed-loop feedback from the actuator-level sensors. (of a vehicle) navigated and maneuvered by a computer without a need for human … A statistic like this could be about anything. Autonomous maintenance is a practice so intuitive that it’s a wonder it’s not standard across all companies in every industry. Video Webinars Start A … Without autonomy your workforce may become zombie-like, so let go of the reigns and apply these 6 ways to build autonomy in your organization. Discover Your Autonomy By Making Small Choices & Taking Small Actions. What is Autonomy? Modernism is seen not as autonomous, but as part of a wider culture. Autonomy - Wikipedia. Excellent!" ... How do you use the word autonomous in a sentence? From Cambridge English Corpus 3. From this context, divorce could be a crime, it could be a type of death, it could be many things. Autonomy can also be defined from a human resources perspective, where it denotes a (relatively high) level of discretion granted to an employee in his or her work. Without autonomy your workforce may become zombie-like, so let go of the reigns and apply these 6 ways to build autonomy in your organization. 2. Examples of autonomy in a Sentence. Because churches are autonomous, the denomination has no authority to limit the pulpit or deacon boards to men, he said. A relatively small group of nationalists demand outright independence for the island while others prefer autonomy within the French Republic.