Streaming full The Bang Bang Club (2010) first, Once you can rate this movie. Watch The Bang Bang Club movie trailers, exclusive videos, interviews from the cast, movie clips and more at Always remember don't trust the opinion of The Bang Bang Club (2010) on the Internet because the authors paid to write a comment. If this were your only film about that nation, you would leave with meager information. You can write, The Bang Bang Club (2010) is a good movie, but it can be is a bad movie. You would recall four good-looking guys who took a lot of chances and had some good times and some bad ones. "The Bang Bang Club" seems curiously oblivious to South Africa as a whole. The Bang Bang Club movie reviews & Metacritic score: The Bang Bang Club is the true story of four young combat photographers—Greg Marinovich, Joao Silva, Kevin Carter, and Ken Oosterbroek—bonded by … Children & Family Movies | Netflix Official Site Netflix Netflix It is a real story based on a real man that does what i do. Weeks later, he carried out a terrible, desperate act--an act that embodied the anguish of an entire nation. Directed by Dan Krauss. Bang bang. The true story of photojournalists in South Africa portrays their bravery, as they capture proof of atrocities committed near the end of apartheid. Trust us. Whether it’s live-action or animated, there’s nothing like a movie that’s fun for the whole family -- kids, teens and grown-ups too! But the big story wasn't about them. 4 Movie Clips from Steven Silver's THE BANG BANG CLUB Starring Ryan Phillippe, Malin Akerman, Taylor Kitsch, Neels Van Jaarsveld and Frank Rautenbach this movie was hard for me to digest, I cried a lot due to memories I have of other parts of Africa. The Bang Bang Club Year 2010 Genre Drama History Biography Type Movies IDMB rating 7.0 (9733 votes) Netflix rating 3.7 Metacritics rating 48.0 Rotten Tomatoes rating 49.0% Directors Steven Silver Actors Neels van Jaarsveld, Taylor Kitsch, Ryan Phillippe, Malin Akerman I hope people watch this move and takes it to heart because it shows in an effective way the things that I have been trying to show the world for years. In 1994, a South African photojournalist received the Pulitzer Prize for his picture of a starving girl stalked by a vulture.