Americanlisted has classifieds in Tulsa, Oklahoma for dogs and cats. The Consortium has developed a reputation over the years of being the best place to find breeders with the best sheep for sale. American Blackbelly (hair sheep) check availability on the For Sale page. The common features of today's sheep were already appearing in Mesopotamian and Babylonian art and books by 3000 B.C. List of Breeders Raising Registered Stock listed alphabetically by state Its web site analytics verify the site’s popularity and usefulness to other sheep enthusiasts. Kennel hounds, dogs and all kinds of … All that is required is that you be owner of one or more registered Barbados Blackbelly sheep. for sale, Barbado sheep Three adult females, one five month old female, one adult ram, and. From specialty to common breeds like Barbados Sheep. Items that may be included are name, farm name, address, phone, fax, email address, website link, and a photo of your sheep! Our trophy class rams are noted for their lean, fine-grained, and mild meat. Sheep were among the first animals domesticated. Find sheep herd sire, goat herd sire in our classified ads. American Blackbelly Sheep are thrifty, energetic, small-to-medium sized shearless hair sheep with a strong flocking instinct, and easy keepers. An archeological site in Iran produced a statuette of a wooled sheep which suggests that selection for woolly sheep had begun to occur over 6000 years ago. They have several 20- to 25-ft dead cedars standing near their beautiful family farm house to prove it. Learn about the Barbados blackbelley sheep and how they may be an ideal breed for the small acreage or beginning farmer. From specialty to common breeds like Barbados Sheep. These Barbados Blackbelly sheep are in the process of shedding of their short but insulative winter coat. Ken and Judy McCray, of Pawnee, Oklahoma, have no trouble at all marketing their Barbados Blackbelly sheep as cedar eaters. Find sheep herd sire, goat herd sire in our classified ads. The Barbados Blackbelly sheep breed was a breed that was developed on the Island of Barbados in the Caribbean. They are a result of the cross breeding of various European wool sheep breeds and African hair sheep breeds that were brought to the Island around the mid-sixteen-hundreds. AMERICAN BLACKBELLY SHEEP .