It also sported a new label and a higher price tag, at around $40 a liter. Especially at this price. WILD TURKEY RARE BREED. The sweet and spicy nose and palate make this a rye I like to drink neat but also a rye that makes a good base for a cocktail. WILD TURKEY KENTUCKY SPIRIT. Bulleit ($34) “It has a fun bold flavor with a higher rye content than other bourbons. My preference going into the tasting was WT 101. Rittenhouse's more straightforward approach makes it the better—or at least more reliable—cocktail rye, but for straight sipping, a bottle of Bulleit Rye is $30 very well spent. ... WILD TURKEY RYE. Shop Wild Turkey For having such a high quantity of rye (65% vs the 51% of many ryes on the market now) the rye notes are strangely muted in the nose and not nearly as assertive on the palate as … Wild Turkey 81 Proof Rye is great for mixing cocktails. For a spirit to call itself American rye whiskey, it has to conform to a strict set of legal regulations. New ... Bulleit's rye is an MGP-distilled rye whiskey which makes use of that popular 95 percent high rye mash bill. More of a fresh herb profile. ... Only last year (2017) did Wild Turkey 101 Kentucky Straight Rye reappear, and only in the restaurant- and bar-oriented 1-liter format. That’s not a put-down, it’s just the truth. standard Dietrich Neu May 12, ... Jim Beam, Wild Turkey, and Knob Creek are some popular traditional bourbon brands. Real Kentucky Straight Bourbon made in the USA. Update - I have since tried the Hudson Manhattan Rye (very disappointing, especially at the price) and Bulleit Bourbon (@28% rye and a more mellow pepper finish than the Wild Turkey): 1st Bulleit, 2nd Wild Turkey and (a very distant) 3rd Hudson Manhattan. WILD TURKEY LONGBRANCH. We were provided with a sample of this and the Bulleit 10 year bourbon. Distillery: Wild Turkey. It is similar to the bottle used for standard bourbon offerings, except the normally orange label is green in this case, and (of course) it says “rye.” Price: $30 for a 1 liter. The company was recently acquired by Diageo and they are keeping Tom Bulleit and his delightful daughter Hollis on as brand ambassadors. Indeed, I believe if this list had been made four years ago, Wild Turkey 101 Rye would probably have been ranking in 1st Place. Rye vodkas are classics of the style and rye cut with other grains was the cornerstone of whiskey development in the Pennsylvania-Maryland corridor in the 1700s. The 10 Best Rye Whiskies Under $35. Wild Turkey 101 Rye: A very close second to Rittenhouse Rye is the Wild Turkey Rye. 15 Great Rye Whiskeys to Drink Right Now. Wild Turkey starting making rye about 25 years or so ago and it was a boutique product compared to the Bourbon side of things. ... Bulleit Rye. It’s warm, spicy, relatively smooth, and just absolutely pleasant to drink.