I do not have an Avian Vet within a 400km radius! But, he started acting strange a couple days ago, his tail started bobbing when he breathes and lately he has been panting … Don't rush yet! I was at my club's meeting yesterday and mentioned tail bobbing and was told that while it is a sign of respiratory distress it can also indicate that the hen is ready to go down/lay eggs. I tried to put him in a heated box with food and water in a dark space but he escaped and wanted back to his old cage. Ever since changing his food this morning he has been more sluggish and less vocal but there is no discharge or discoloring of his cere It's not 24/7, but is it normal for it to still happen? Budgies usually enjoy each other’s company, and a pair (whatever the gender of the birds involved) will generally be a self-contained miniature flock, enjoying all the grooming, chattering and socialising natural to their species in the wild. I called the breeder, he is away for a few days. Reading Bird Body Language. For several minutes, he keeps making those noises above and bobbing his tail up and down. Birds who sit there puffed up, bobbing their tails, may be sick. A budgie preens his feathers by first gathering some oil from the preen gland at the base of the tail. After preening or some other activity which may have ruffled their feathers, budgies will poof up, do a quick shake, and then maybe wag their tail real fast. Tail bobbing can be an indication of illness, but if it is only occasionally and he is chittering away when it is happening, or on one leg, I wouldn't be too concerned. If your budgie shows symptoms of illness it pays to get veterinary advise soon. HELP SOS: :((( just came home and saw this in my birds cage, it’s been 2 months since I’ve gotten my budgies and one of them is still very scared and I see it’s tail bobbing and her panting. ... Panting: Birds, like dogs and many other animals, pant to get rid of excess heat. Budgie Behaviour in Pairs. I recently brought home a pair of Fischer's love birds and one of them seems to be having a slight breathing trouble (very minute tail-bobbing, but noticeable compared to its partner). Their small size and fun-loving, gentle nature make them the perfect choice for families. He's chirping more. I think a tiny bit of tail bobbing is normal. He acts completely normal, and is being quarantined for more than 30 days now. Common / possible symptoms: Open-mouthed breathing, panting, holding their wings away from their body, in an attempt to cool itself down behaving as if they are stressed. ... Tail Bobbing. Ever since changing his food this morning he has been more sluggish and less vocal but there is no discharge or discoloring of his cere Is it to keep balance, or a respiratory problem? But, after some time goes by he stops. I have read here somewhere that it might be because they are ready to lay? Should I be alarmed? Is my budgie’s tail bobbing normal? Chipper does the same thing, but I just had him checked by an avian vet and he's okay. Common / possible symptoms: Open-mouthed breathing, panting, holding their wings away from their body, in an attempt to cool itself down behaving as if they are stressed. I don't know what has been going on with my budgie, every single thing says "go to a vet", but there is no avian vets in my town, it's already going to be a pain to get his wings clipped. In fact, he's finally starting to get a little bit more active. Illustrated Body Language Guide . The budgie then runs his beak all the way down each feather, starting at … Then, later on he starts again. Hi. My budgie is doing all that is above nonstop. Is my budgie’s tail bobbing normal? A budgie that is unwell will often have its tail bobbing in time with its breathing when it is having breathing difficulties. And some birds always have a bit of a bob going on. Parakeet Head Bobbing 101 - Top 5 Reasons Budgies & Pet Birds Dance And Move Their Heads Up And Down Parakeets are one of the world's most popular types of pet parrots. Two hens from the 10 budgies I bought off my local breeder are fluffed up and panting. So a tiny bit of tail bobbing may not be a problem. ... Panting. It has been like this for weeks, and I'm thinking of taking him to a vet, but there are none nearby. Poofing & Tail Wagging – Budgies sometimes poof up and shake their feathers in order to straighten them out. It's strange though because he only does it when he's sat on the perch normally. It isn't huge but it is noticeable. His droppings are normal, and his weight is good (34.9 grams). It started off just being one. I live in Bangalore, India and i think the temperature around here is pretty good for these birds (varies from 70-90 F).