A Lesson Before Dying Chapter Summaries. Arn, Jackson. He says that he was not there, but he knew what the verdict would be. A few days later, the judge sentenced Jefferson to death by electrocution. A Lesson Before Dying study guide contains a biography of Ernest J. Gaines, literature essays, quiz questions, major themes, characters, and a full summary and analysis. "A Lesson Before Dying" has several main themes (most novels do). Flashcards. Everyone in town knew what the trial verdict would be. Directed by Joseph Sargent. With Don Cheadle, Cicely Tyson, Mekhi Phifer, Irma P. Hall. Book Summary Set in the fictional community of Bayonne, Louisiana, in the late 1940s, A Lesson Before Dying tells the story of Jefferson, a twenty-one-year-old uneducated black field worker wrongfully accused and convicted of the robbery and murder of a white man, and sentenced to death … Grant Wiggins recalls the outcome of a trial. Isadar Emo 6,088 views. The Reverend tried to enlist Grant’s help in saving Jefferson’s soul. LitCharts. Summary Plot Overview Grant Wiggins has been teaching on a plantation outside Bayonne, Louisiana, for several years when a slow-witted man named Jefferson is convicted of murder and sentenced to death. 8 Mar 2020. Inspired by a real-life case, it tells the tale of a young Black man wrongly convicted of murder and sentenced to death in the segregated American South. Ernest J. Gaines's A Lesson Before Dying Plot Summary. A Lesson Before Dying (1999 TV Movie) Plot. A Lesson before Dying Homework Help Questions. Ask him does Christmas come before or after the Fourth of July? A Lesson Before Dying Is Ernest J. Gaines' eighth novel, published in 1993. Write. Widely celebrated for its unflinching examination of racism in mid-20 th century America, A Lesson Before Dying is perhaps Ernest J. Gaines’s best known and most respected novel. ... Book Review Ernest Gaines "A Lesson Before Dying" - … T hough Ernest J. Gaines’s powerful novel A Lesson Before Dying is considered a fictional work, it is rooted in truth in two ways. The attorney said he would rather put a hog in the electric chair than such a mindless individual. Learn more about A Lesson Before Dying with a detailed plot summary and plot diagram. In the 1940s South, an African-American man is wrongly accused of the killing of a white store owner. LitCharts LLC, 20 Aug 2015. Spell. Ask him to describe a rose, … Web. The white jury members deliberated for just a few hours before finding Jefferson guilty of robbery and murder in the first degree. This Study Guide consists of approximately 77 pages of chapter summaries, quotes, character analysis, themes, and more - everything you need to sharpen your knowledge of A Lesson before Dying. A Lesson before Dying Summary. Ernest J. Gaines's A Lesson Before Dying Plot Summary.