In some birds, only the mother sits on the eggs. I have three Ducks. This is done once a day and is real treat to see. Copulation or breeding must first take place for hens to produce fertile eggs. The gobbler's sperm is stored in the hen's oviduct, so that fertilized eggs may be laid up to four weeks after mating. Turkeys are polygamous, meaning they will have multiple partners. According to the National Turkey Federation, more than 250 million turkeys were produced in the United States in 2012. I removed the turkey and it immediately returned to the nest. But the fact remains, unless you hunt turkey, you probably don’t think about them as much in the springtime. One is a silverappleyard Drake and the other 2 are Pekins, I am 99% sure one is male and the other is female but for the past few days both pekins have been sitting on a nest of eggs. I pulled the turkey out of the nesting box again and the duck scurried back onto the nest. This morning the turkey was sitting on her eggs. Do Turkeys Lay Eggs? This video was shot on my property. You can read more about turkey mating here. It’s an important question to answer: Do turkeys have babies or eggs? Breed first, nest later. my turkeys are full grown (i think) and we got them since last spring. It’s important for enough young turkeys to be produced that offset the annual loss, so populations remain sustainable. I have a Muscovy hen that has been sitting on a clutch of eggs for about a week. Why Don't We Eat Turkey Eggs? I quit using incubators for hatching my turkeys and now have a battery of cochin and silky hens to do that work. Blue tits incubate their eggs for two weeks but swans sit on theirs for nearly six weeks! do i need to get a male turkey for them to produce eggs? Most birds lay one egg a day until the eggs are all laid. this is my first time raising turkeys, we have 4 female turkeys and we had 1 male turkey but it died cause dogs got it. But this is a crucial time of year for New Hampshire’s 40,000 turkeys.After mating in April and incubating eggs in May, turkeys are now hatching chicks and rearing broods of young poults in June. Some birds lay up to 15 eggs but others lay only one. The hen will lower herself to the ground in front of the male of choice and the tom will mount her back to breed. If they make it past that point, the production is considered a success. But the parent birds do not start to incubate the eggs until they are all laid. They will sit on 5-6 eggs and when a chick hatches I just take it away and add another egg under the hen. The average turkey will lay 110 to 115 eggs in a 28/30 week period. Watch how the hen rotates the eggs. The incubation time for turkey eggs is 28 days. my uncle has female turkeys too and they lay eggs without a male turkey. These hens will hatch eggs for three or four months without interruption or problems and the poults are very healthy at hatching.