The book focuses on the extreme impact of rare and unpredictable outlier events — and the human tendency to find simplistic explanations for these events, retrospectively. In the author's point of view, a black swan is an improbable event with three principal characteristics - It is unpredictable; it carries a massive impact; and, after the fact, we concoct an explanation that makes it appear less random, and more predictable, than it was. A 'black swan' event is a significant unexpected event that has huge consequences - such as the banking collapse of 2008 or a terrorist attack such as 9/11. Author of The Black Swan, Fooled by Randomness, and Antifragile The film stars Natalie Portman, Vincent Cassel, Mila Kunis, Barbara Hershey, and Winona Ryder. Why do we not acknowledge the phenomenon of black swans until after they occur? Set in the Civil War South between the years 1852 and 1865, THE BLACK SWAN recounts the story of two memorable and powerful characters. This book is like a nice cup of dark roasted coffee. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Taleb calls this the Black Swan theory. The Black Swan [Day Taylor] on The world is more fragile today than it was in 2007. 1-Sentence-Summary: The Black Swan explains why we are so bad at predicting the future, and how unlikely events dramatically change our lives if they do happen, as well as what you can do to become better at expecting the unexpected. Read in: 4 minutes Favorite quote from the author: Everyday low prices and free delivery on eligible orders. That’s the opinion of former derivatives trader Nassim Taleb, whose bestseller, The Black Swan, is about how people make sense of … "The Blank Swan is neither Black, White or Blank, but a very original book written about derivatives and financial markets.It will certainly make you think about derivatives instruments and markets in many new ways." There isn't a great deal to say about 'black swan' events once you've defined them - other than that there's not much you can do to prevent them as they are unpredictable. Adam Tremain The Black Swan: The Impact of the Highly Improbable is a 2007 book by author and former options trader Nassim Nicholas Taleb. The Black Swan glides through deep philosophical discussions and … Black Swan Turkey Jerky The author has one good point then rants rather incessantly about a wide variety of people and subjects. The screenplay was written by Mark Heyman, John McLaughlin, and Andres Heinz, based on an original story by Heinz. Buy The Black Swan: The Impact of the Highly Improbable 01 by Taleb, Nassim Nicholas (ISBN: 0000141034599) from Amazon's Book Store.