First of all, vultures eat the leftovers of carcasses (scavengers). An Anaconda of 4.5m(approx.) Loading... Close. Here we compare King cobra snake vs eagle. Updated October 1, 2015 — 7.05pm first published at 5.07pm. if the snake wasn't poisonous then the tiger would win. Search. Knowing this you will then know that a snake also won’t be spared. 3. if the snake was poisonous it would win. Wildlife lovers are always curious to know Black Mamba vs. King Cobra, fight comparison– who will go to win the fight? Both these snakes have their own characteristics. Eagles are capable of killing larger animals than themselves such as deer and wolves . Bird is looking aggresive here and almost make a kill on snake, snake head under bird beak roadrunner bird facts See more 7 World's Largest Eagle Attack Eagles vs Bears vs Fox vs Humans | animalses. Normal text size Larger text size Very large text size. Like kaity said, an eagle would win. Read this article to know comparison, difference and similarity between Eagle vs snake and who will win the fight between them. Eagle vs snake fight- who will win? In a fight between an eagle and a hawk, which would win? Read this article to know comparison, difference and similarity between Eagle vs snake and who will win the fight between them. This video is unavailable. I would not want to fight an angry anaconda or a viper. The eagle can use the same powerful talons and its experience on the vulture leaving it either dead or seriously injures. Depends on whether the snake is big enough or makes enough venom to kill either of them. By Sean Dooley. We have turkey vultures at this center for injured wildlife where I work, and we don't give them fresh food a lot, we give them a plate of leftover mice and rats from their cage. Is equal in power and mass of a python of 6.5m(approx.) The anaconda because it’s too strong. Skip navigation Sign in. Well, it depends. Read this article to know comparison, difference and similarity between Eagle vs snake and who will win the fight between them. 2. For the mongoose it would come down to size and the amount of venom the snake could produce. I hope you like reading on eagle vs vulture comparison. A king cobra would win because it is the smartest snake in the world and has one of the most toxic types of venom. Here we compare King cobra snake vs eagle. 1.Anacondas are considered more robust and powerful than pythons. It is useless, weak and vulnerable unlike on the ground where it is powerful wise and deadly. Take your fight into the spiritual realm by praying and when you are in the spiritual realm God takes over your battles. The snake has no stamina, no power and no balance in the air. At worst, it bites me and squeezes me until my heart and blood vessels pop like bubble wrap. Read this article to know comparison, difference and similarity between Eagle vs snake and who will win the fight between them. I prefer fight the eagle. A fight between these two snakes is rare to see but still, you can know their strengths, abilities etc.