... There’s a plan to move some Asiatic lions to from the Gir forest to Kuno Palpur, where there are tigers. India is the last country with both lions and tigers in the wild. Yes of course , Asiatic lions can survive in Africa. They have a rounded head, round ears, short fur, and a long tail with a tuft of hair at the end. Asiatic lions, like their African cousins, are highly social animals. And now we are talking about the Asiatic lion which has much smaller manes compared even to Wild African lions and in such case, the mane cannot help much and thus i would favour the Bengal Tiger at least 6/10. Head-and-body measurements of two lions in Gir Forest were 1.98 m (78 in) each, with tail-lengths of 0.79–0.89 m (31–35 in) and total lengths of 2.82–2.87 m (111–113 in), respectively. Anyone that knows enough about big cats can tell those lions are african in ancestry. The lion prefers grassy plains and savannahs, scrub bordering rivers and open woodlands with bushes. Lion in Gir National Park. Size: Asiatic lions tend to be smaller than their African cousins. Male lions grow a luxurious collar of long hair, called a “mane,” around their necks. I would presume that Indochinese Tiger vs Asiatic lion would be a closer fight. They live in prides of up to 5 females. An Asiatic lion and two Bengal tigers in captivity at Bannerghatta National Park, Bangalore, Karnataka India. Those lions were captive selected animals specifically for the fight, the animals were not randomly found in the gir forest, Scars mane is to large and impressive for a wild gir lion to be wild. Tiger and Lions are two largest species of wild big cats found in India, Asiatic lions are only found in Gir forest of Gujarat and Bengal tigers are found across the Indian subcontinent. ... How Africa… African lions are large, muscular, barrel-chested cats. Head-and-body measurements of two lions in Gir Forest were 1.98 m (78 in) each, with tail-lengths of 0.79–0.89 m (31–35 in) and total lengths of 2.82–2.87 m (111–113 in), respectively. Interesting Facts About the African Lion ), but all evidence seems to support that the Tiger is the one most likely to win, not the Lion. Description of the African Lion. Indian large deers such as Nilgai (Blue Bull) & Sambhar roam the forests of Gir. Adult Asiatic Lion males typically weigh between 350 and 420 pounds While African Adult males average between 330 and 500 pounds in … The lion does occasionally win these battles, but rarely. At present, Asiatic lions inhabit the Gir Forest in India. The Tiger often wins. Tiger vs. Lion—Who Would Win? Asiatic Lion Photos. The Gir lion is similar in size to the Central African lion, and smaller than large African lions. It is absent from rainforest and rarely enters closed forest. Asiatic Lion Images. This has happened in the British India period when the britishers pit Male Bengal Tigers with Male African Lions and usually Tigers came out as winners. 8 out of 10 times, A male Bengal Tiger will beat a male African Lion. It makes no difference if this is a captive tiger and lion or wild tigers and lions. Asiatic lions live in tropical grasslands, tropical dry forests, semi-deserts, and deserts. The Gir lion is similar in size to the Central African lion, and smaller than large African lions. Habitats of Gujarat Lions and Bengal Tigers are different as well as the size and behavior. Asiatic vs African Lions | UPSC – IAS | PCS – PIB. Gujarat Lion (Panthera leo persica) It is a myth that only small deer chital is available in Gir national park and African ones hunt large animals. African lions live in scattered populations across Sub-Saharan Africa. It would not be hands down either of them (who could make such a claim?