The summers are much rainier than the winters in Akyem Akrofufu. The result of on attempt at the use of a regional model for East Africa is present below following the results of the AR4 climate change scenarios. Eastern Africa. Source: South Africa Yearbook 2015/16. A follow-up report that provides a specific focus on the climate of the semi-arid regions of southern Africa is currently under development. Although there have been studies of Global Climate Models (GCM)-simulated climate change for several regions in Africa, the downscaling of GCM outputs to finer spatial and temporal scales has received relatively little attention in Africa. He blamed rapidly warming waters in the Indian Ocean off Africa’s eastern coast, which also spawned an unusual number of strong tropical cyclones off Africa last year. In East London , the temperatures are similar to those of Port Elizabeth, but winter is a bit milder. As this paper illustrates, climate change in Africa is not only a conservation problem but is a socio-economic issue that must be dealt with at a global scale. In the United Nations Statistics Division scheme of geographic regions, 20 territories make up Eastern Africa: Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi and South Sudan are members of the East African Community (EAC). The Middle East and North Africa is the most water stressed region in the world. The combination of rapid population growth and urbanization will put increased pressure on already scarce natural water resources. HOW IS CLIMATE CHANGE INVOLVED? Its coastal cities enjoy both a subtropical and Mediterranean climate while inland things get a bit hotter. The Eastern Cape as a South African Province came into existence in 1994 and incorporated areas from the former Xhosa homelands of the Transkei and Ciskei, together with … There is a striking contrast between temperatures on the country’s east and west coasts, owing respectively to the warm Agulhas Current and cold Benguela Current that sweep the coastlines. South African Weather Service; Geography and climate - The countries of eastern and southern Africa host a vast variety and abundance of the world’s biological and natural resources, including 7 of the world’s biodiversity hotspots. East Africa or Eastern Africa is the eastern region of the African continent, variably defined by geography. This climate is considered to be Aw according to the Köppen-Geiger climate classification. report is to highlight some of the major impacts of climate change on conservation for East Africa countries including Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda and Rwanda. Agricultural systems in East Africa are mainly rain-fed and highly vulnerable to climate change and variability. The area itself is quite large and it stretches from the coast to more mountainous escarpment regions inland, resulting in a climate that varies quite a bit. The Eastern Cape is situated between KwaZulu Natal and the Western Cape and its climate is a bit of a mixture of the two. The Eastern Cape is situated between KwaZulu Natal and the Western Cape and its climate is a bit of a mixture of the two. Climate Features,... Apart from a small region in the north-east with a desert like climatic environment, South Africa 's climate conditions as a whole range from mild and pleasant on the large interior plateau, subtropical in the north-eastern region, to Mediterranean in the south-western region of the country. 1.1 General overview The climate across southern Africa varies from arid conditions in the west to humid The frequency and severity of climate shocks such as drought, floods, heat and cold stress have increased with negative impacts on agriculture and food security. Akyem Akrofufu has a tropical climate. Climate change has already led to changes in freshwater and marine ecosystems in eastern and southern Africa, and terrestrial ecosystems in southern and western Africa. The area itself is quite large and it stretches from the coast to more mountainous escarpment regions inland, resulting in a climate that varies quite a bit. Climate Vulnerability The present climate of East Africa varies considerable between the cool, moist conditions of the western highlands, to the warm, arid and semi-arid conditions of northern Kenya, southeast Ethiopia, Djibouti and Somalia. This report provides a general overview of the regional climate in southern Africa. Heavy rains in East Africa made 2019 one of the region’s wettest years on record, said Nairobi-based climate scientist Abubakr Salih Babiker. This work was done as part … Related links. The extreme weather events have demonstrated the vulnerability of some of South Africa’s ecosystems. The migration patterns, geographic range and seasonal activity of many terrestrial and marine species have shifted …