A hotline has been established to report breaches and severe punishment threatened for all violators. The coronavirus spreading in China and the SARS outbreak of 2003 have two things in common: Both are from the coronavirus family and both were likely passed from animals to humans in a wet market. The red panda (Ailurus fulgens) is a Class II species in China, an endangered species on the IUCN Red List and listed in Appendix I of the CITES. Chinese scientists have speculated that bats might be the original host of the coronavirus, which has thus far killed over 600 and infected more than 31,000 in mainland China. China bans trade in a large number of endangered species listed by Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES), a global wildlife trade regulator. The country also has a separate list of species protected by the national and provincial governments. Pangolins are globally endangered because of demand from China. Fortunately, the modern world not only makes us a tempting target for new diseases, it also gives us new tools to combat them. A group of researchers believes the deadly coronavirus that originated in Wuhan, China, may have passed from bats to humans through an intermediary animal, the pangolin. China has rightly banned all such markets as of late January, but so far only temporarily. There are 495 mammal species in China, of which thirteen are critically endangered, twenty-four are endangered, forty-seven are vulnerable, and seven are near threatened. There are 495 mammal species in China, of which thirteen are critically endangered, twenty-four are endangered, forty-seven are vulnerable, and seven are near threatened. This is a list of the mammal species recorded in China. Water and noise pollution, fishing and construction of dams that obstructed movement of water are the cause of its extinction. As China has become a global economic powerhouse demand for African mammals for medicines has had a significant impact in Africa. One of the species listed for China can no longer be found in the wild. This is a list of the mammal species recorded in China. Chinese Bats May Be Carrying the Next SARS Pandemic A horseshoe bat. The Baiji or Chinese river dolphin has less than a dozen individuals and is considered to be functionally extinct. Chinese researchers investigating the animal origin of the coronavirus outbreak in China have said that the endangered pangolin may be the “missing link” between bats and humans.. Researchers traced SARS to a population of horseshoe bats in China's Yunnan province. A pangolin is rescued by a citizen in Qingdao, China. China has endangered whales, dolphins, seals and porpoises in its coastal waters and out to sea. One of the species listed for China can no longer be found in the wild. As one of the world's most biodiverse countries and its most populous , China is home to a significant number of wildlife species vulnerable to or in danger of local extinction due to the impact of human activity. The pangolin has been listed as critically endangered, but is considered a delicacy in southern China … The new coronavirus may have jumped to people from endangered pangolins, some researchers now suggest. Image: Libiao Zhang/Guangdong Entomological Institute/South China Institute of Endangered Animals