We use transgenic mice and cell culture to identify and functionally characterize cis-regulatory DNA elements and trans-acting components involved in the regulation of the beta-globin genes. How are the mice similar? When this short was re-released as a Blue Ribbon, it was retitled as A Tale of Two Mice. The unnamed cat in this cartoon physically resembles Babbit from "A Tale of Two Kitties". How does this relate to the risk for chronic disease? What is epigenetics? 3. Learn Center Epigenetics - study of the chemical reactions that activate or deactivate parts of the genome DNA methylation - epigenetic mechanism that occurs by the addition of a methyl (CH3) group to DNA, thereby often modifying the function of the genes and affecting gene expression DNA are wrapped around the parts called histones. How does Jirtle (the researcher) affect the epigenome of the mice to get skinny brown mice? NOVA – Epigenetics Name:_____ Date:_____ Part 1: Epigenetics ... How do identical twins form? Read Randy Jirtle’s questions […] 2. How are they different? What is the epigenome? What is the epigenome? What is the epigenome? Catstello is being chased by a cat rapidly at high speed around the house, yelling "Hey Babbit!" Specifically, research focuses on nutrition and environmental chemicals and how many common compounds, such as bisphenol A (BPA), phthalates (e.g. What is … The tale begins with a pregnant mouse in a laboratory in Boston, Massachusetts. How are they different? These examples could easily be incorporated into a lecture. Dr. Jirtle's pioneering work in epigenetics and genomic imprinting has uncovered a vast territory in which a gene represents less of an inexorable sentence and more of an access point for the environment to modify the genome. Conversely, demethylation increases gene transcription. After watching a PBS video, A Tale of Two Mice, and reviewing data presented in the Environmental Health Perspectives article Maternal Genistein Alters Coat Color and Protects Avy Mouse Offspring from Obesity by Modifying the Fetal Epigenome, students learn about epigenetics and its role in regulating gene expression. Recently, yet another metaphor was put forward to describe the field of epigenetics as a “bridge between genotype and phenotype” that alters gene expression without changing the underlying DNA sequence. Part 2: A Tale of Two Mice: How are the mice related? Tale of Two Mice, re-released as A Tale of Two Mice, is a 1945 Looney Tunes short directed by Frank Tashlin. What tags onto genes to turn them on or off? The Dolinoy Lab investigates environmental epigenetics and gene-environment interactions using animal models, human clinical samples, and human population studies. How is the agouti gene different between the sister mice? Epigenetics Interactive Epigenetics A Tale of Two Mice When? According to the video how many genes are there? The Epigenetics and Inheritance section includes a short slide show with examples of epigenetic inheritance in Daphnia, laboratory rats, humans, and two plant species. Catstello narrowly escapes into the mousehole, while the cat crashes into a wall. After viewing the following resources, define epigenetics, give an example, and state something you found interesting and why. Can your epigenome change? We utilize artificial DNA binding domains to modulate and characterize the function of transcription factor binding sites in the beta-globin gene locus. DNA does not exist simply as long strands of the double helix, instead, it is packaged and shaped so that it can fit in the nucleus of our cells. A Tale of Two Mice In this audio slide show, Dr. Dana Dolinoy of Duke University explains the role that the epigenome, a sort of second genome, plays in regulating the expression of our genes. DNA methylation is the addition of a methyl group to a DNA base, which decreases gene transcription. How might this affect humans? What is the point of the epigenome? When? What was the point of the Spanish twin study? What is the chemical that the mice were exposed to? different. • Mice have a gene that is homologous to MeCP2 • Knocking out the gene in mouse gives a phenotype similar to human Rett’s • This model offers good experimental system for studying the human disease Male mice with MeCP2 knockout develop normally for a while (middle), but at 6 weeks of age, they begin to develop neurological symptoms, such