One unwelcome inhabitant in an aquarium are snails. I don't want the Pond Snails to compete for food with the baby Mystery Snails (every time I put blanched cucumber/zuchinni in the tank, the Pond Snails are all over it like parasites/pests. I have a small 4x6 feet lotus pond, where i planted lotus plant which i had in a fresh water pond near my Town. They are little orange and black snails that are essentially cannibals. Contrary to their terrestrial relative, pond snails have separate genital openings, so mating can only occur in one direction, not vice-versa. My rain barrel (which is almost totally sealed) always has a handful of dead snails in it as does my watering can if I leave water in it. I’m very fond of snails, certainly. Some smaller fish, such as mosquito fish, eat snail eggs. That makes them considerably larger than the Roman snail ( Helix pomatia ), the largest European terrestrial snail. Too many snails can eat all of your pond plants very quickly and dirty the water with their waste. Pond snails can multiply seemingly overnight by the dozens. In very large ponds, snails can even be necessary to create a balanced, natural ecosystem. Jerry – Kernersville, NC. Pond snails can be a fun & interesting addition to your pond’s ecosystem. Q: Do I need to provide indoor shelter for my pond snails? The tank will never be fully rid of these imposters but hopefully, my little hired assassins can keep up. Pond snails can be a beautiful addition to your pond’s ecosystem. Here are the methods to treat live plants. Recently my Mystery Snail laid eggs. They'll limit their population after the first explosion if you don't overfeed your fish and be good little cleaners, especially if you don't already have a designated cleaner like shrimp or Apple snails. I suspect they're attracted to moisture but they're both not really smart enough to anticipate drowning. They are little orange and black snails that are essentially cannibals. They eat pond snails. They’re the little scavenging janitors of your pond. Some species of pond snails can reach a shell size of up to 7 cm. Guide to pond snails, pond snail facts, and whether snails are good or bad for ponds. However, I do think that how much snails … ... but its most likely a pond snail. There are tons of these little black snails in both of my tanks I bought a big yellow snail from the pet store and he died but now I have these little guys. Information on some of the common aquatic snails kept in aquariums and ponds. Mosquito fish also do well in mild climates with water temperatures of 65 to 75 degrees. How to Get Rid of Snails in an Aquarium. I've learned to live with mine - I currently have pond snails, Malaysina Trumpet snails, and Ramshorn snails in my 29 gallon. Similar to frogs, pond snails can also cover part of their oxygen needs by tissue breathing. P.S Any idea how big the Pond Snails can get? This will naturally keep your pond in balance and keeping some snails so they could eat the algae and bacteria. i think the plant had some of it's eggs. Lotus plant is growing nice but my pond became a place for Snails too. The characteristic egg batches of pond snails (see picture on the left) are stuck to water plants and stones.