They, sadly, remain the black sheep of the animal kingdom even though they are not dangerous predators, nor are they venomous or realistically harmful. There is a great deal of symbolism surrounding black cats, and it’s easy to see why, when you consider their connotations and how far back their history is connected with people. 150 Pokémon Cat Names With Nicknames. Don't See One You Like? Read on to find out which cats are the most famous of all time and why. Throwing some more ideas around, black cat names can come from the names of famous people, or famous people's cats. Humphrey shares this distinction with a long line of other cats who have received the official title of Chief Mouser … The truth is, we’ve celebrated numerous famous felines throughout our history. Whether you are a cat owner or not, we can all agree that no other domesticated cat has a rap quite like black cats. It is a scene rich in action and the bizarre. Read on to find out which cats are the most famous of all time and why. Humphrey was a longhaired black and white cat, gainfully employed as Chief Mouser of 10 Downing Street (the British Prime Minister's official residence), from 1989 to 1997. Here are 10 famous historical figures who were unabashed crazy about cats. Famous Fictional Black Cats ... 100 Unique Witch Names for Cats From History and Literature. Myths and Legends about black cats – Black cats are synonyms for terms like “things of evil” and “bad omens” – no matter how cute they might be – in the minds of people who believe in superstition. Witch Names for Female Cats From History Agnes: Agnes Sampson was a midwife and healer in the North Berwick area of England in the late 1500s. Tonto-cat in the film "Harry and Tonto" (1974) 10. The Great Cat offers a comprehensive list of famous cat lovers throughout history, organized alphabetically in the following categories: Actors and Actresses Felix the Cat was the original famous cartoon cat. Oliver, from "Oliver and Company" (1988) 13. It’s October, so especially … Being a … While black cats are typically associated with Halloween, witchcraft, and bad luck, there’s much more to these fur balls than the creepy stuff. Throughout human history, cats have always lived and thrived outside. There is curiously a cat in a sling to the right and a Puss in Boots-type at the door. Cats are generally associated with mystery and intuition due to their secretive, strange, and often inexplicable behaviors. Perhaps one of the most famous (and obvious) is the titular The Black Cat — one of Béla Lugosi’s first blockbusters in a string of macabre thrillers. The Cheshire Cat from Lewis Carroll's Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. Famous Tuxedo Cats in History It is said that William Shakespeare had a tuxedo did Beethoven. A first century CE epitaph of a young girl holding a cat is among the earliest pieces of evidence of cats in Rome and, in Greece, the playwright Aristophanes (c. 446-386 BCE) frequently featured cats in his works for comic effect (coining the phrase, “The cat did it” in assigning blame). They, sadly, remain the black sheep of the animal kingdom even though they are not dangerous predators, nor are they venomous or realistically harmful. Cats and Cubism, it turns out, result in something that is altogether quite unsettling. . Submit Your Own Black Cat Names ... Fictional Black cats: Faithful (from Alanna books by Tamora Pierce), The history of cats in ancient Egypt goes back to Bastet, a feline warrior goddess who was depicted as being half cat and half woman. The Most Famous Cats In Film. In truth, we are simply people who know that cats are wonderful and honest companions for folks of all personality types, even for some of the more famous names in history.