There are three sub-species, with slight geographical variation, darker in the south and paler in the far north and inland. As to the origin of their recommended English name, Jacky Winter, there are few clues, and the origin is open to speculation. They are also sometimes colloquially known as ‘Peter Peter’, which is a crude rendition of their song, uttered incessantly during the breeding season. In fact, there are many beautiful winter birds that may normally be found only in far northern habitats but readily visit backyards when the snow flies, along with familiar year-round residents. Jacky Winters are tiny birds that grow up to 14 cm in length and weigh about 15 grams. A good place to spot this small, grey-brown bird is perched on a dead branch, stump, post, fence, or wire. The Jacky Winter typically sits upright on a bare branch or perch, wagging its tail and uttering its 'peter-peter' call. This species is also known as the Brown Flycatcher, Postboy, White-tail or Peter-Peter. They so often frequent these spots that they're also known as 'post-sitters' or 'stump-birds.' Backyards can be essential for winter birds and provide necessary food and …