They lived in cities and each city was ruled by a different King. View the birthplace of civilization: the Middle East - the site of the world’s first villages, towns, and cities, from the hills of Turkey to the plains of Iraq. In the region of the world that has now become modern-day Iraq, we see the first signs of civilization on the planet. Generally accepted as being the oldest civilization ever to have existed, Sumeria is thought to have its origins around 6000 years ago, or 4000BC. It was they who first began to write Blacks out of history after the “Race/Religious Wars" of the late medieval. These groups also all settled along rivers, important as a reliable and predictable source of water. The British, with the "Modern" Germans, were the originators of revisionist history. If one considers civilization as a political concept, then the first civilization would be the one who first developed a sense of political unity. 15 Oldest Ancient Civilizations on Earth. This is the list of Top 10 oldest civilizations in the World. When searching for the oldest civilization, defining which ancient societies qualify is a challenge. In ancient Sumer, the first signs of … It was located in an arid zone, but thanks to the irrigation canals which they built there was an important economic development in the area. Like a real life Indiana Jones, maverick archeologist David Hatcher Childress has taken many incredible journeys to some of the oldest and most remote spots on earth. 7. Not much of the civilization’s artefacts exist today. It was in Egypt, along the Nile, and in Mesopotamia, around the base of the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers, where the first civilizations developed. Archeologists and historians have made it possible for us to understand the events and cultures that have shaped our society today through the discovery of fossils, artifacts, and ruined cities that are linked to our ancestors. As with many cultural advancements and inventions, the 'cradle of civilization' Mesopotamia has been cited as the birthplace of religion. The everyday lives of ancient men and women could appear to be a lot detached – linguistically, socially, and most of the time technologically, direct from the concerns of the whole modern world today. Global civilization: 16th - 20th century: The first sustained contact between Europe and America, in the 16th century, opens the door to a new concept - world-wide civilizations, evolving through colonies and empires. The Mesopotamian civilization developed between the rivers Tigris and Euphrates. Agriculture at first tended to tie only small groups together. The Aroi Sun Kingdom of the pacific: The Aroi Sun Kingdom is first ancient civilization which I am going to discuss. Names of persons and places, inscribed in Hurrian language, can be traced back to 3rd century BC Mesopotamian records. They prospered across the Middle East around 2nd century BC, probably even earlier. Now look, the British will soon start teaching their children the truth: that Blacks were the original people of Britain. Who were the first people to inspire humans all over the planet to start living in cities? However, Mayan pyramids are found from Central America as far as the island of Java, Indonesia and thus, the exact territory this civilization covered […] The Hurrians are among the earliest ancient civilizations which influenced the Hittites. Early civilizations in the world View the birthplace of civilization: the Middle East - the site of the world’s first villages, towns, and cities, from the hills of Turkey to the plains of Iraq. Firstly, they need to … Maya Ancient Mayan civilization is one of the oldest civilizations and remarkably full of mystery. This civilization is mostly referred to have prospered around the lands of modern day Mexico. Spanish civilization is exported to Latin America. The Sumerians had a writing system called Cunieform. That is where it got its name since Mesopotamia means “between rivers”.