Though Galgos (and Podencos) need help all year round, February 1 … Tens of thousands are killed in Spain every year, and many more are abandoned. I save as many as I can. Dedicated to the welfare of the Spanish Galgo and Sighthounds worldwide. But today, Galgos are considered as a burden to most dog owners. Credit: Instagram / @yogalgo. Every year, somewhere between 50 and 100 thousand dogs just like Bacalao are abandoned or killed. 25.02.2018 A horrible sight came last Saturday to the discoverers of 30 hunting dog carcasses – partially preserved, decayed or skeletonized … 10 euros – you can buy Galgo for that much. Tens of thousands of galgos are killed in Spain each year—many times in gruesome ways like hanging, drowning, or dousing with acid. The Galgo Rescue International Network (GRIN) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit animal welfare organization run entirely by volunteers that was founded to establish a relationship between the animal shelters in Spain … Galgueros, the people who own and breed the dogs… Galgo Español is a Spanish chart. Nymeria here. I'm taking over the blog today to talk about a very special day today. March, 2012 - Murcia - 120 Galgos, Podencos and other hunting dogs were rescued from this horrible existence that is very common in Spain. Unlike other dog breeds, Galgos spend most of their lives living in a small dirty hole and are typically fed on nothing but stale bread and water. Horrific truth of greyhound breeding: Man’s best friend is TORTURED with cigarette burns and acid then dumped to die in tunnels, hung in trees or left with broken bones to starve to death in Spain Animal abuse on the front page of a Spanish newspaper on 12th March 2017.I've done an English translation down to the picture of Britani. Around 50,000 galgos are disposed of this way every year. The dogs used to hunt and was owned by a private individual. When hunting season ends, the greyhounds, known as galgos in Spain… Protesters call this a “Dog Holocaust”. WORKING dogs - known as galgos - are discarded or brutally killed by their owners who do not want to pay for their upkeep in the off-season. Beaten to death and thrown into a well. Hunting in Spain has only just started!! Probably that’s why they are treated like objects. In Spain there is a widespread hunting tradition that involves torturing and killing approximately 60,000 Spanish Greyhounds (Galgos) a year. I Rescue Greyhounds (Galgos) Used by Hunters in Spain After hunting season, thousands of galgos go to the pound to be killed. That has been the sad end of four galgos in Badajoz. It's Día Del Galgo or World Galgo Day! Unfortunately, today they are one of the most abused dog breeds on the planet. Beaten to death and thrown into a well. Once these dogs were adored by nobles, they are tortured or murdered today when the owner finds them unfit. Hardly any human contact and no affection.The Spanish hunting dogs seen only as a useful tool that can be replaced and discarded when no longer needed. And no, It is not news of 20 or 30 years ago, it is news today. Some estimates place that number at 200 thousand. The discovery of about 100 skeletons of galgos on a former rubbish dump in VILLATOBAS ( TOLEDO) in 2009, is another cruel proof of how much these animals in Spain must suffer.