Add chopped Granny Smith apples to bran or whole-grain muffins for potent pops of flavor, or use thinly-sliced apples to top your cereal or smoothie bowl. One of the best known apple varieties for both cooking and snacking, Granny Smith enjoys a long history of being an apple with exceptional qualities. Our Granny Smith Apple Tree is known for its quick production and easy growth. Farm to table apples from Kauffman’s orchard. Earligold. In those areas, it is not unusual to find large crowds gathering in the fall to enjoy family friendly festivals celebrating the apple harvest. Current Price. This vigorous tree is almost sure to outgrow other apple varieties within the first 3-years of planting. This is a new and improved Transparent-type variety that has "caught on" fast with Lancaster County applesauce aficionados like board president Ken's wife Ellen - Earligold is her favorite! Brought to you by . Find Local Apples Near You! Granny Smith's tartness is the most distinct part of their flavor profile. Helping bring back the incredible healthy snack. Types of apples that you will find here are: Cortland, MacIntosh, Red Delicious, Granny Smith and Macoun. Research shows that eating apples can help improve a person’s memory and help protect their brain against Alzheimer’s disease. Apple Country Orchards Phone: (806) 892-2961 or (800) 765-7055 Rt. But these aren’t your Granny Smith’s apples. That means you can include them in healthy recipes to add a little bit of extra sweetness without adding too much. The seedling developed into bright green colored apples that are now one of the most well-known apples … A light juicy apple with crisp texture and a zesty flavor. This Australian variety was first propagated by English emigré Maria Ann Smith, in her orchard in 1868. This means that a Granny Smith Product Image. Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars, based on 1 reviews 1 ratings. You’ll get unique tart flavor, effortlessly. In-store purchase only. Plant one in a sunny location and watch your harvest grow! Get to know Minnesota’s apple varieties: Honeycrisp Explosively crisp and juicy with a well-balanced, sub-acid, and mildly aromatic flavor. Apples contain phytochemicals, which help to fight breast, colon and pancreatic cancer. Product Title Organic Gala Apples, 3 lb bag. Buy Online. 2 Box 234, Idalou, TX. Pick Apples This Year - Four Years Sooner! Why Granny Smith Apple Trees? As Amazon Associates we earn from qualifying purchases. *This post may contain affiliate links. Texas orchards directory. Late July - Late August. 1 Zestar® Sweet tart taste with a hint of brown sugar. Granny Smith Apple tree is a fruit tree that produces high-quality, tart apples on a reliable tree. Most kid's favorite apple is Honeycrisp - Farm Fresh; An apple that can store for 3-4 months in the refrigerator.