In the age, with so many kids that need adoption, with so many people crowding this planet, to give up love because you can't biologically reproduce your partner's … They moved in as couples, then started having kids. I try to be pretty transparent with my kids when I make a rule and then realize it was too harsh and reactionary, but a … He feels like nothing he says makes me feel better, so he seems to be annoyed. I'm a young'n still and it's … I've lived in this complex for going on 14 years and I have seen this play out repeatedly. And they stay for YEARS. If not, then we can adopt. My least favorite thing to do as a parent is to have to enforce the consequences of a rule I created in the moment to deal with a problem/behavior in that moment. It seems whenever people have kids... they stop wanting to have sex. OP is a hero.. every child deserves a parent. I want to feel better, but I can't. I know this is all true... but I feel empty and very very scared. We could still have kids once I;ve been treated - surgical or medical methods. Even though I don't know you, I'm really glad that things turned out well for you, and that you have parent figures. They already knew they couldn't afford a bigger place suitable for a family, and they just... had kids anyway. Couldn't blame them, I wouldn't be able to do it if my vagina ended up squeezing that out either. The majority of these families did not move in WITH kids. I like to sleep. :) That's inspiring, too.