We are a small business in South Florida dedicated to breeding and selling the highest quality geckos and reptiles possible. There isn't much variation on their coloring. Chinese Cave Gecko Appearance: These geckos are a dark purple-gray color with small spots and yellow or orange bands. These geckos are about the same size as a leopard gecko, but they prefer a high … There isn't much variation in their coloring. Do not let your Chinese Cave Geckos get excessively warm, as high temps can quickly be lethal. Tiger Crested geckos represent a group that has a high tiger striping down … The Goniurosaurus genus to date (2010) includes 12 species. They have yellow or orange bands with darker spots. These new colors or “leopard gecko color morphs” have enabled breeders to work with the leopard gecko … Our Chinese Cave Geckos are exclusively fed gutloaded dubia roaches, so … The stunning red eyes are a known marker of a cave gecko. Color/Pattern: Juveniles have a dark brown body. Adult High Color Leopard Geckos - We have some gorgeous young adult high colored leopard geckos in stock. We offer exotic reptiles for sale online at absolute rock-bottom prices, which means we make these fascinating animals available to you affordably as pets, or even to start your own reptile breeding … Humidity: Chinese cave geckos like it humid. We are a collector and breeder of New Caledonian geckos. These awesome geckos have a black/purple base color, with orange/yellow/white bands that crisscross their body. Best of all, we probably have Chinese Cave Geckos for sale right now at Josh’s Frogs! Humidity should range between roughly 60-85%, with peaks and valleys to provide more water, and allow drying periods, respectively. Think Chinese Cave Geckos are the right geckos for you? The Chinese Cave Gecko is scientifically known as Goniurosaurus hainanensis. They have a similar build to leopard species, but they are slimmer. Native Range: The range of the Goniurosaurus genus extends from Vietnam,the southern border of China adjacent to Vietnam,the islands of Cat Ba,Hainan,Ishigaki and Ryukyu which include Okinawa and Tokuno. Species Traits. They can tolerate temperatures up to 80F on occasion. They are known to be a deep black or purplish color with bright yellow or orange colored … Humidity: Chinese cave geckos like it humid. Adults are a lighter brown color and are covered in ocelli, or round eyelike markings, which sometimes form periodic lines near the head. Temperature: Chinese Cave Geckos like it cooler - ideally, keep your geckos between 65 to 75F. These vibrant "high colored leopard geckos for sale" are top quality in color and … Does anyone own chinese cave geckos that can give me lots of info on ... One is their obvious beauty. Cave Geckos. Provide a water bowl, and mist frequently enough to maintain humidity between 55-65%. Most notable are their red eyes. For many keepers, periods of spraying to add humidity also serve as the drinking water for the animals, as they’ll lap up water from the plants, décor, and sides of the enclosure. Designer Crested gecko morphs include some very vibrant and high contrast color combinations like “Halloween” for example. Commonly known as the Chinese Cave Gecko, this easy to keep and breed species is also sometimes called the Hainan cave gecko. Sexing: Male ocellated geckos have a more blurry patterning on their head. Name. They have a similar build to leopard geckos, but they are slimmer. With their bright colors (which I think makes them look … Do not let your Chinese Cave Geckos get excessively warm, as high temps can quickly be lethal. Temperature: Chinese Cave Geckos like it cooler - ideally, keep your geckos between 65 to 75F. Distinguished Breeder of Fine Geckos. Three to Get Ready: Goniurosaurus Goniurosurus also known as “cave geckos” are a small, terrestrial gecko native to China, Japan and Vietnam.