Zebras call to one another and sometimes become mates or good friends! Some adaptations serve to discourage predators and parasites. A zebra finch hen, for instance, will squat low in front of the male while lifting and vibrating her tail to encourage the cock to mate her. A zorse inherits two different sets of chromosomes that can't mix because of the differences in the shape, size and number of chromosomes. Can zebras mate with […] The mountain zebra has smaller stripes than the plains zebra; its stripes are closely spaced on its head and shoulders but widely spaced on its haunches. how does a zebra attract a mate? A Zebra Finds a mate by Calling our making sounds to the other Zebra. How do zebra find mate? How does a zebra find a mate? These include adaptations in their anatomy, physiology and even their behavior. Giraffe and zebra drinking together at Kruger Park. These adaptations range from the obvious, like their stripes, to more subtle adaptions, like their herding behavior. However, zebras are much smaller than giraffes, which might lead one to suppose that they would be physically unable to mate. Offspring of a donkey sire and zebra dam called a donkra or zebra hinny and offspring of a horse sire and a zebra dam called a hebra do exist, but are rare and are usually sterile and infertile. These zebra donkey hybrids are very rare. How does a zebra find a mate? How do zebra find mate? Zebra have adapted to their habitats in several ways. And yet, hybrids sometimes occur between animals where the disparity in size is even greater. Anonymous. Zebras live in large herds, so they find mates within the herd based upon availability and male dominance structure. But by the time the foal is 2 to 3 months old, she gives him increasing responsibility to find his way back to the herd on his own if he gets separated. If a horse and zebra successfully mate, their offspring will likely be sterile. Most cluster into herds of monogamous females and a single, protective male, but Grevy’s zebras live separate lives when not mating. Like does it attract potential mates physically or something else? Cocks may hop on and appear to mate with hens without an "invitation" to do so--these displays should not be confused with mate … Anonymous. Others help them feed and take advantage of food sources. We illustrate the facts with pictures and statistics wherever possible. Relevance. Zebras live in herds that include one male, […] Why do zebras have stripes? The mountain zebra has smaller stripes than the plains zebra; its stripes are closely spaced on its head and shoulders but widely spaced on its haunches. how a stallion will choose his females and how they will mate as well as a few other zebra facts and trivia. Their courtship and mating behaviors roughly parallel those of horses, which are also members of the family Equidae. Nobody knows for sure why these African animals have stripes. Zebras do not have a set breeding schedule and can give birth any time during the year with the most recorded births being in January. Some adaptations serve to discourage predators and parasites. 1 Answer. The stripes of Grevy’s zebra are the narrowest and most closely spaced of the three species; its belly is white. A mare is extremely protective after giving birth -- to the point of threatening the stallion if he approaches the baby. These adaptations range from the obvious, like their stripes, to more subtle adaptions, like their herding behavior. Help! Well all animals attract the opposite sex by the female of the species coming on heat.This function allows the female to attract the male …