Run away - as fast as you can. Lean black bears can run at speeds of up to 30 or 35 miles per hour. In case you’re wondering, Usain Bolt can only manage 28 miles an hour, and over rough terrain, a bear will have much better balance and endurance. Verdict: You cannot outrun a bear. That’s on flat ground, and because of that a myth spread around that bears can’t run downhill. The fastest bear is the black bear, followed by the grizzly, and then the brown bear. October 5, 2017. While a grizzly bear can reach a top speed of 30 miles per hour, the smaller black bear can reach an impressive 40 miles per hour. If ever there's a lesson in why you shouldn't try to sprint away from a grizzly bear, then this video is it ... the natural temptation is to run. How Fast Do Polar Bears Run? Q: How long can a grizzly run at full speed?How much of a head start would a person need to outlast a bear chasing them? North America's most well-known and common bear, black bears are generally found in forests, but may live among mountains and swamps as well. No Comments. However, the bear is not as simple as it seems at first glance, if necessary, it can make jerks at speeds up to 50 km / h. Teeth of bears also differ from the teeth of other predators – they are relatively small, which is related to the nature of their nutrition. How Fast Can a Bear Run? In fact, a bear can outrun a racehorse over short distances […] How to Escape from a Bear. A bear is a faster runner than a human, but to give you an advantage you will need to run downhill. A: Sigh.It seems like there's always some human who wants to figure out a secret way to best me on foot. However they can be threatening to most arctic mammals especially when they charge at a speed of 40 kilometers per hour. —Tarahumara Man, via email. Don’t even try. How fast a bear can run depends on the bear. – Polar Bear … Why? all i know is that a full grown bear can run as fast as a horse so i imagine it could run 100 meters pretty fast. Fact: Bears can run more than 60 kilometers an hour, and they can do it up hills, down hills or along a slope. People can’t run as fast … When they do they can go as fast as forty kilometers an hour, but only for short distances before … You should know that couldn’t be farther from the truth, so don’t try to run away from a bear, even if you’re doing it downhill. When walking at a fast pace, the hind paw is often placed well in front of the forepaw track. The maximum speed a bear has been known to the clock is 40 mph. In another sense, the answer is always going to be the same: faster than you. Evidence shows that a grizzly bear can have top speeds of up to 35 miles per hour quite comfortably. Black bears are considered to be the fastest bear species. Bears are among nature's most majestic creatures, and seeing one in the wild is an unforgettable experience. Naturally it seems safer to run uphill but bears front legs are shorter than their back legs and will find it easier to run uphill. Brown bears can run very fast over a short distance and have been clocked at 35 to 40 mph (56 to 64 kph). There is a well-known myth that says that if you’re being chased by a bear, then you should run downhill because bears can’t run downhill. Bears can run up to 60 kilometers per hour, which is approximately 37 miles per hour. To put that in perspective, that’s 15 m/sec or 50 ft/sec – more than twice as fast as we can run. Bears are carnivorous animals belonging to the family Ursidae. The myth justifies this conclusion by saying that a bears front legs are shorter than it’s hind legs, so it can’t run downhill. Polar bears depend on their sense of ... spending more than 100 days fasting while they incubate their eggs. A bear can run 100 yards in 6 seconds, over uneven ground! How fast can a bear run ? Well, they really don't seem to like running. how fast can polar bears run, ... discern plants in the snow. You might like to learn more about how fast can a polar bear run in the Arctic habitat. You can’t outrun any bear you’re likely to meet outside a zoo. Black bears are very agile, excellent swimmers and climbers, and can run uphill and downhill. How fast can a polar bear run? Polar bears get tired too quickly and give up in long chases. While there's a common myth that bears are unable to run down hill, they very much can, and their speed is generally considered one of the deadliest factors of human-bear encounters. Just follow our tips to stay safe and bring home some great stories to tell your friends. Even over a long distance, they can quickly cover a great deal of ground and climb steep banks with ease. Bears can outrun you no matter where you try to run.