A behavioural ecologist explains. The life span of snails in the wild is on average two or three years. What we found particularly surprising in our research is how long they live and how long they can stay asleep. how long will the Coronavirus survive in the air. I do not have an upper limit, but adults can live for several years. Snails thrive happily alone or in small groups, and are not territorial over space or food. That’s a really good question! Some only live for 5 years but can if lucky enough can live to as long as 25. Ideal water temperatures for snails range from 65 to 82 degrees, but aquarium snails will live longer -- between 3 and 10 years -- at the lower end of the scale as their metabolism slows down. While a fast metabolism is desired by humans, it causes snails to progress through their life cycle at a faster rate and die in a year to 18 months. Some snails may live longer, perhaps even 30 years or older in the case of the Roman snail but most live less than 8 years. Snails are one of the slowest creatures on the Earth. Taken care of properly, pet snails are hardy little creatures who can live up to 10 or 15 years. There have been reports of … and join one of thousands of communities. Wiki User September 14, 2009 11:06PM. How Long do Snails Sleep; Introduction: Being able to boast of a firsthand accurate knowledge about snails is indeed noble. How long do garden snails live? Garden snails (Helix apersa) reach a top speed of 50 yards per hour; this is about 0.5 inches per second. – Alice, age 6, Canberra. You do not specify what types of snails you have. How Long Do Garden Snails Live. They usually become adult within a year of hatching, sometimes sooner. Snails are complicated creatures, and their existence goes far beyond eating leaves in the garden. How Long Do Garden Snails Live. 6. Slugs and Snails. Bears have nothing on snails! Some are herbivorous, some are carnivorous, some are omnivores. How Long do Snails Sleep 3 - How Long Do Snails Sleep. The Conversation is asking kids to send in questions they'd like an expert to answer. I have two as pets, I've had them since June 2008 and I love them too much for them to die. How Long Do Snails Sleep - Snails Life, Babies, Sleep Time. In theory snails can go a very long time (months and months maybe much longer) without food as long as they are dormant (but i wouldn't consider it as a going away option). For instance, 10-year old individuals of the Roman snail Helix pomatia are probably not uncommon in natural populations. They're so … In other, rather similar, species, adults seem to die off at a pretty steady rate of between 30 and 50% per year, with … Snails live in slow motion. ... You might not think so to look at them but snails actually do have teeth. How Long Do Snails sleep. Welcome to Reddit, the front page of the internet. 7. How do Snails have Babies. The herbivores eat off stems, leaves, bark and fruit while carnivores will dine on slugs worms and other live species. Alice from Canberra wants to know how long garden snails would live if they were not eaten by birds or other predators. I do not have an upper limit, but adults can live for several years. Become a Redditor . Most brown-lipped snails ( Cepaea nemoralis ), pictured above, have a dark brown band around the mouth of the shell, hence the name. While they don’t move fast, they do move at a very steady pace. Most species of land snail are annual, others are known to live 2 or 3 years, but some of the larger species may live over 10 years in the wild. How long does the average English garden snail live? Some only live for 5 years but can if lucky enough can live to as long as 25. How Long do Snails Live - How Long Do Snails Sleep. Best foot forward While it may not look like it snails slide around on a single foot. I would like to know how long garden snails would live if they were not eaten by birds (or other predators)? about 3-5 years,maybe more. Snails are Hermaphrodites. Snails thrive happily alone or in small groups, and are not territorial over space or food. There are many species of snails in our gardens. There is heavy mortality among babies, and I suspect that adults do not live as long as the Roman snail. With the correct long lasting foods and setups mine are happy to be left for up to two weeks, they could probably do longer but i am not happy to do that. Snails are very common around us and we relate with them differently depending on our perception of them. The edible or Roman snail has been recorded up to 15 years old, but it takes longer (usually 3 years) to become adult.