his mother mary was pledged to be married to joseph, but before they came together, she was found to be with child through the holy spirit. Joseph first appears in … Bible Genealogy Scripturally, Jacob was Joseph's father and Heli, Mary's. Many think that when Jesus' dedication takes place in Luke 2, Joseph's death before Jesus' rise as a rabbi is foreshadowed when Simeon tells Mary she will live to be touched by Jesus… Jesus had no earthly father but a heavenly Father, Who is God and so only Mary, Jesus’ birthmother is His actual parent, although Joseph, to his credit, took the pregnant Mary as his wife and did not divorce her as he could have easily done. Learn more about the life, genealogy, legends, and veneration of Saint Joseph. I would encourage all of you fathers, whether you are stepfathers or biological fathers, to step up to the plate as Joseph the father of Jesus did, and balance justice with mercy, become obedient at any cost and be the type of man … Jerome identifies Mary of Clopas as the sister of Mary, mother of Jesus. Be Like Joseph The Father Of Jesus. D oes the Bible hold any clues as to what happened to Joseph, the father of Jesus?. It is supposed that Joseph, the father of Jesus, died during the quiet years of Jesus' life. How she was picked by … The Gospel of Matthew does give a genealogy for Jesus by his father's paternal line, only identifying Mary as the wife of Joseph. Many think that when Jesus' dedication takes place in Luke 2, Joseph's death before Jesus' rise as a rabbi is foreshadowed when Simeon tells Mary she will live to be touched by Jesus… The Bible tells us in the Gospel of Matthew, that Joseph was a righteous man.His actions toward Mary, his fiance, revealed that he was a kind and sensitive man.When Mary told Joseph she was pregnant, he had every right to feel disgraced. Joseph was prominent only in the accounts surrounding Jesus' birth, flight to Egypt, and return. and Jacob the father of Joseph, the husband of Mary, of whom was born Jesus, who is called Christ. He is a carpenter (Matthew 13:55), a … joseph--father of jesus. Because Jesus was not of Joseph’s blood, but still his heir, He could inherit the royal bloodline, but the curse bypassed Him. I would encourage all of you fathers, whether you are stepfathers or biological fathers, to step up to the plate as Joseph the father of Jesus did, and balance justice with mercy, become obedient at any cost and be the type of man … And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men." He do know that Joseph and Mary had children after Jesus was born: James, Joses, Simon, and others. Joseph, Father Of Jesus: The Quiet Heroism Of A Christian Role Model. Joseph lived in Nazareth in Galilee (Luke 2:4). It is supposed that Joseph, the father of Jesus, died during the quiet years of Jesus' life. Furthermore, Jesus' body after death is taken charge of by Joseph of Arimathea, a role his father would have taken on had he been alive. According to this story, Joseph entered an ecstatic trance one day before he died and glimpsed the divine. Christian faith holds that Joseph did not physically beget Jesus, but that Mary had conceived him through divine means. Jesus Christ was hailed by the people of Judea as the Messiah and Savior, but the religious and civil authorities believed that he threatened the established order and their control of the people. We speak often of how amazing Mary was. Jesus was conceived of the Holy Spirit. The name Joseph means “God will give the increase,” signifying the promised blessings of God for those who will obey Him. God Comes in the Flesh. The Men in Christ's Life: Joseph, Stepfather of Jesus, ,- Read more Christian men spiritual life and growth. He is mentioned in the story of Jesus and the Temple. What Is the Story of the Death of Joseph, the Father of Jesus? We do know that he trained Jesus in his trade, as that of a carpenter. Salt Lake Tribune Salt Lake Tribune (RNS) Imagine being Joseph, the husband of Mary and stepdad to baby Jesus. Your fiancée is pregnant and not by you. We do know that he trained Jesus in his trade, as that of a carpenter. In Catholic tradition, the story of Joseph's death is known as the Happy Death of Saint Joseph. He is the patron saint of the universal church in Roman Catholicism, and his life is recorded in the Gospels, particularly Matthew and Luke. And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men." Check out this biography to know about his life history and timeline. What happened to Joseph, the father of Jesus, given that the last time he was mentioned in the story of Jesus was "Jesus' finding in the temple" (Luke 2:41-52) after which he is never mentioned again