How long do salamanders live in captivity? Sections ... (Eublepharis macularius) is probably one of the easiest pet lizard to keep in captivity provided you follow their care requirements. The oldest reported snake to date is a ball python that lived to be 47.5 years old at the Philadelphia Zoo. Find out how large your lizard will get as an adult. How long do Frill Neck Lizards live for? Facts About Lizards. Share this conversation. Lizards in the wild would have a shorter life span compared to a pet lizard. Some only … How Long Do Lizards Live? On Average, How Long Do Chameleons Live? However, most lizards can store water and fat in their tails which can help them to survive. How Long Do Geckos Live – Longevity. very long actually it depends how you treat it and what kind, small lizards usually live to about 2 - 3 years, big ones live to about 5 - 7 years Little research has been done into the lifespan of frill-neck lizards in the wild. Submitted: 13 years ago. My oldest living pet was my beautiful grey and white striped Mixed Persian Cat named Mitz. How long do pet amphibians live? While a lizard may be inexpensive, the equipment needed to properly care for it may cost many times more than the lizard itself. As we learn more about chameleons and the proper way to care for them, their life spans in captivity will likely increase. What other pets live the longest? When you choose a lizard for a pet, you're in it for the long haul, which is why it's important to be aware of how long lizards live. To be more specific with what we mean, a female gecko, regardless of the two types, can live for an average of 6 to 10 years. The longer it lives, the more responsible you are in taking care of your pet. The average lifespan of a lizard usually runs between one and 30 years, with a median of 10 years. Answered in 1 hour by: 6/25/2005. How long do alligator lizards live. Lizards can live 100 years in the wild, or 170 years in captivity like a human cage where they are well fed, cleaned, etc… But there are different kinds of lizards. Mitz lived into his mid-twenties before succumbing to old age! Snakes tend to have life spans in between turtles and lizards. By Jen Davis. No special lighting is required and their diet is fairly simple. My wife and I just... My wife and I just caught an alligator lizard and want to know how long it will live? A color-changing pet chameleon has the potential to provide years of companionship. You should never bring a new pet home without first learning everything you can about the specific animal you are purchasing. Like what we have said, the most common geckos are the house gecko and the leopard gecko. Shares. Because there are over 5,000 different species of lizards, the lifespan varies from species to species. Believe it or not, salamanders can live a very long life in captivity, being able to easily reach the 20 years mark, and even surpass it in some cases, although this depends on the type of salamander, of course. Ask Your Own Pet Question. That applies not just to lizards but to all types of a pet as well. Both have an average life span of more or less 10 years depending on gender. Most snakes in captivity live 15 to 30 years. You can keep up to two (male and female or two females) in a 10-20 gallon long aquarium with reptile carpet as a substrate. Most captive fire-bellied newts live between 10 and 15 years, but could get up to 28 with really good care. Show More. In captivity, they have been known to live up to 20 years. Crested geckos don't live as long as leopard geckos if there is no food source.