If you meet people or dogs when you’re out for a walk with your Beagle, don’t let him jump up on anyone. As many Beagles have lots of stamina they can go for much longer distances if you wish. Although protocols vary, a puppy is usually fully vaccinated against a variety of serious diseases by 20 weeks. Dogs thrive on routine, and the more consistent you are with the schedule, the better behaved your Beagle will be. With a little preparation and patience, you will be able to offer your pet the best health care and help him safely explore his new world. The recommended amount of walks for your beagle puppy is quite frequent, every two to three hours, especially before meals. As a general rule, a puppy can wait 1 hour for each month of age it is, up to 8 hours. Feed your dog on a regular basis. After eight months it can be taken for a walk every 8 hours. It depends on what size it is and how old. Your new puppy is simply irresistible. Walking in front of your dog allows you to be seen as the pack leader. Because of this characteristic, Beagles need daily physical exercise. You can use a flat collar, and you don’t want a long leash. 15 minutes (up to twice a day) when three months old, 20 minutes when four months old etc. Each time increase the amount of time you walk with your beagle. Until he is 4 months old, your puppy may find it difficult to control his bladder for longer than an hour or two at a time. Find … It is very common to see your dog spending long times with its nose stuck to the floor, tracking the scent that it has picked up. Those big puppy-dog eyes, his soft, slobbery tongue. Cardio exercise should be short and a bit more intense. After eight months it can be taken for a walk every 8 hours. Until it is over a year old, take your puppy on frequent (3, at least 2) short (20 minutes or less) walks a day. Veterinarians recommend keeping your pup away from dog parks and avoiding walking outside until after she has had all of her core vaccinations. Make sure you keep your dog’s attention on you, and make the walks a good experience for both of you. Your dog should be beside or behind you during the walk. So, it's around 10 minutes for now and you can do this 2-3 times a day. Don't … You may want to try different lengths and types of leashes for your Beagle puppy before training them. I have a 8month old beagle and currently he gets a 1-2mile walk and 20-60minutes of play a day, 6 days a week, will this be sufficient throughout his lifespan? You can choose from a variety of different ways to achieve this. Do this until your beagle is used to the leash and you walking with them. A puppy has a limited bladder capacity and will need a comfort break during the night. So, if you have a beagle in a yard, remember to leave it loose in the yard, at least three times a day and spend about a half an hour playing with it. Get dog walking tips and tricks from AKC's dog training experts. Begin housebreaking your beagle puppy as soon as you bring him home by placing him outdoors in one spot in the yard frequently. For the first two days we have just done one 15-20 min walk and the kids were with me (including a 2 year old) so it was a leisurely (ish) stroll. Step 2: Once you have completed Step 1 you can then take your beagle outside. But about 30 less for young ones. Here's how to ensure your dog enjoys his walks to the fullest. Keep a positive attitude, and use lots of praise when your dog does something right. Choose a name for your Beagle pup. How often/long should I walk my beagle? This will teach the puppy the valuable skills, such as walking by your side, and help him realize good things happen when he … After eight months it can be taken for a walk every 8 hours. I have a male beagle who is 1 1/2 and he takes a walk one in the morning and sometimes one at night. Just after a bit of advice as to how long we should be walking our 14 week old Beagle puppy for now she is fully vacinated and allowed out.